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She had broken an understood rule, too, to write twice to Scorch O'Brien just little notes thanking him for remembering her. By the way, the twenty dollars that had been lent to Cora Rathmore to pay for the famous supper in Number 30 when Nancy had been frozen out, had never been returned, either completely, or in part.

And there was only a tiny group that broke away from the main body and went home in the sulks because Nancy had won the race. Of course this was the Montgomery clique. "I can tell you right now who won't be president of our class," whispered Jennie to Cora Rathmore before the latter got away in Grace Montgomery's train. "I suppose you think Nancy Nelson will!" snapped Cora.

The pleasure of having Jennie Bruce in Number 30 instead of Cora Rathmore was no small thing to Nancy. In Jennie's society she began to expand. She became, indeed, quite a different creature from the quiet, almost speechless girl who had heretofore crept about Pinewood Hall.

"We can't send the Space Scourge back to Gram empty. When Baron Rathmore and Lord Valpry and the rest of them talk to Duke Angus and the Tanith investors, they'll have to have a lot more than some travel films of Tanith. They'll have to be able to show that Tanith is producing. We ought to have a little money of our own to invest, too." "But, Otto; both ships?" That worried Trask.

Not being included in the group of girls who so often came to see Cora Rathmore in Number 30, Nancy was debarred from other groups, too. Nobody came to see her in the room, and she was invited nowhere perhaps because the other girls thought she must be "in" with the clique to which Cora belonged.

"Why, she's a nobody. She's got no friends, and no home it's a disgrace to have her here at Pinewood. I wish you'd say something to the Madame about her." "They tried to make me room with her," said Cora Rathmore, boldly; "but I wouldn't stand for that long." The Senator looked grave. "Come, tell me all about Nancy Nelson," he enjoined them, and sat down on a neighboring bench to listen.

Baron Rathmore, and Paytrik Morland, and several other Wardshaven gentlemen-adventurers for the latter function; Alvyn Karffard to act as Valkanhayn's exec, with private orders to supersede him in command if necessary, and Guatt Kirbey to do the astrogating. "We'll have to take the Nemesis and the Space Scourge out, first, and make a big raid," Harkaman said.

She had taken her first plunge into the matter, had been brought up short, and now scarcely knew how to carry on the attack on Nancy which had seemed so easy the minute before. "Well well I I " "Why do you stammer so, Miss Rathmore?" asked the principal. "Is it a fact that that which seemed so desirable to say just now appears to you in another light when you have taken time to think it over?"

"And please to inform me what you're doing in here, anyway?" "Why, I I have been chummed with you if you are Cora Rathmore," said Nancy. "You?" shrieked the other. "No! it's not so! I won't have it! I was just going to get my books and go to Grace's room " "Oh, I know nothing about that," said Nancy, hastily.

The older girl snapped on the electric lights by pushing a button in the wall beside the entrance door. "Rathmore is your chum," said Corinne, lightly. "I hope you two girls will get on well together. I like to have all the chums live together without friction for it is easier for me, and easier for the teachers. "Now, Cora Rathmore has been here half a term already.