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To begin with there was the mamma duck. She was Mrs. Wibblewobble, a nice, white duck, being a cousin to Mrs. Quack-Quack, who once rescued Billie and Johnnie Bushytail, and Jennie Chipmunk from the desert island where they had been shipwrecked, you remember. Then there was the papa duck, and, of course, his name was Mr. Wibblewobble.

My grandmother had a very fine farm 'Way down in the fields of Older. With a quack-quack here, And a quack-quack there, Here and there a quack-quack, Quack-quack here and there, Down in the fields at Older. This is followed by the gobble-gobble, moo-moo, baa-baa, etc., as long as the laureate's imagination and the infant's breath hold good.

I will bring him safely back to you and not harm him in the least." "What will you do with him?" asked the man who owned the pond. "I will take him on the seat beside me," replied the other, "and maybe he will go 'quack-quack' whenever a person gets in the way of my auto. Then they will not be run over. Why, this little duck will be as good as an auto horn! Will you let me take him?"

In the Chinook vocabulary, which was originally the trade language of all the tribes employed by the Hudson Bay Company in collecting furs, most of the words resemble in sound the objects they represent. For example, a wagon in Chinook is chick-chick, a clock is ding-ding, a crow is kaw-kaw, a duck, quack-quack, a laugh, tee-hee; the heart is tum-tum, and a talk or speech or sermon, wah-wah.

Only think of the trouble they give before they can feed alone!" "Well!" said Mrs Spottleover, "that's all very well, but, after all, those little downy balls take as much looking after as our little ones; and then only think of one's child growing up to say nothing better than `Quack-quack, besides being flat-nosed and frog-footed. Depend upon it, my dear, things are best as they are!"

What's the matter?" asked Uncle Wiggily. "Oh, dear!" answered the little quack-quack child. "I can't go to the party; that's what's the matter." "Why can't you go?" Uncle Wiggily wanted to know. "I saw your mother a little while ago, and she said you were going."

The outsider watched them regretfully as they went by, and there was some envy in his heart, too. When the cavalcade reached the goose-girl, the peace of the scene vanished forthwith. Confusion took up the scepter. The silly geese, instead of remaining on the left of the road, in safety, straightway determined that their haven of refuge was on the opposite side. Gonk-gonk! Quack-quack!

"I have to walk way down to Newark, to get a new horn for my auto, so I can blow it, to warn people out of the way." So he started to walk off, and then what do you think happened? Why, Jimmie Wibblewobble got so excited that he gave a loud "Quack-Quack!" Oh, so loud and clear! As soon as the man who owned the auto heard it he cried out, "My gracious goodness! What's that?"

So he answered them: "No, indeed, you can't stay home. Go to school at once! Quack!" Now when a duck says one quack, instead of a double quack-quack, you may know he is feeling very, very miserable, and you don't want to bother him any more than you can help. Lulu and Jimmie knew this, and they hurried out of the pen to go to school.

Then their papa felt sorry for them, because, you see, he did not really mean to be cross, only he knew it was best for them to learn all they could. So he said "Quack-quack," which meant he was feeling better, and he added: "When you come home, my dears, you may each have a penny. Run along now, like good ducks."