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The last of these reflections is apt to be painful, and the painfulness is complicated and increased when there happen to have been several pubs and a like number of hurried farewell beers in the recent past. And for months after that you cannot get rid of the idea that that half-sov. might be about your clothes somewhere. It haunts you.

He fetched our ordnance map and spread it on the ward-room table, and we pored over it most of the evening, sucking our pipes. All Devon is good; and for a while the lanes had called us, winding from one thatched village to another between their fragrant, high-banked hedges. "Think of the little pubs . . ." said the Indiarubber Man dreamily.

The town tailing off into weather-board boxes with tin tops, and old bark huts relics of the digging days propped up by many rotting poles. The men, when at home, mostly asleep or droning over their pipes or hanging about the verandah posts of the pubs., saying, ''Ullo, Bill! or ''Ullo, Jim! or sometimes drunk.

"Want to test me among pubs, old lady? Well I am armed so strong in honesty that dangers are to me indifferent! I can't help swanking bits from 'Julius Caesar, you know my only Shakespeare play! But it'll be great to go to Sydney. Only what are we going for? Shopping?"

Frank stood it for a few minutes, then he understood and capitulated. "I'll stand you one," he said, "if you'll get me two packets of Cinderellas." "What's the good of that?" said the Major. "Pubs aren't open yet. It's only just gone five." "You'll have to wait, then," said Frank shortly. Presently the Major did begin to bully Gertie.

Rendall's charge, there being no pubs in Ransay and many in the island he came from. I find that it is by no means unusual to send thirsty souls to publess isles, and beyond the fact that O'Brien came up very 'convanient' for this war and is pretty free with his tongue on the subject of England's sins and shortcomings, there is really nothing positive against the man.

"A squanderer you were," Simon rebuked the body. "Tidy sums you spent in pubs. Booze got you the sack after twenty years in the same shop. Disgraced was I to have such a brother as you, Shacob. Where was your religion, man? But he has to be buried, little sisters, or babbling there'll be. Cheap funeral will suit in Fulham cematary.

"Well," he said at last, "they build good cottages, yellow brick, d d ugly, I must say; look after the character of their tenants; give 'em rebate of rent if there's a bad harvest; encourage stock-breedin', and machinery they've got some of my ploughs, but the people don't like 'em, and, as a matter of fact, they're right they're not made for these small fields; set an example goin' to church; patronize the Rifle Range; buy up the pubs when they can, and run 'em themselves; send out jelly, and let people over their place on bank holidays.

A wretched remnant of a town on an abandoned goldfield. One street, each side of the dusty main road; three or four one-storey square brick cottages with hip roofs of galvanised iron that glared in the heat four rooms and a passage the police-station, bank-manager and schoolmaster's cottages, &c. Half-a-dozen tumble-down weather-board shanties the three pubs., the two stores, and the post-office.

"Well," he said, "there's nothing to eat in the house, and I've only got rum and milk. You can have that if you like." One of the pilgrims broke out here. "Well of all the pubs," he began, "that I've ever " "Hush-sh-sh!" said the publican. The pilgrim scowled and retired to the rear. You can't express your feelings freely when there's a woman dying close handy.