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It will not be confined by space, nor limited by time, but gathers from the wide world, and even beyond its range. Thus, in the simple yet creative enthusiasm of his passion, did Burns gather, at one moment, the flowers of all seasons, and all "To pu' a posy for his ain sweet May;"

But now the late Emperor has ascended upon the dragon to be a guest on high, leaving no son, and there is no course open but to appoint Pu I, the son of Tsai Feng, the Prince Regent, as the successor to Tung Chih and also as heir to the Emperor Kuang Hsu."

Je n'ai jamais pu savoir ce que souhaiter une fete voulait dire, mais si c'est quelque bien, comme la sante, par exemple, tu sais quels sont mes voeux; enfin je voudrais te savoir aussi heureuse que possible: "Je ne trouve pas que la couleur de la cathedrale de Freiburg soit desagreable.

The Englishman who said of the opera, 'At the first act I was enchanted; the second I could just bear; and at the third I ran away', is a fair illustration of an attitude common in the eighteenth century; and in France things were not much better, even in days when stage magnificence reached a point hardly surpassed in history. La Bruyère's 'Je ne sais comment l'opéra avec une musique si parfaite, et une dépense toute royale, a pu réussir

O que vous etes bonne et charitable! puisque quelques obstacles que mes peches ayent pu mettre a vos graces, vous n'avez jamais cesse de m'attirer au bien; jusque la que vous m'avez fait admettre dans la Sainte Compagnie de Jesus, votre fils." Chaumonot, Vie, 20. The above is from the very curious autobiography written by Chaumonot, at the command of his Superior, in 1688.

"I was at the Theatre Francais last night," I said, "and saw Athalie." "It is the masterpiece of Racine; Voltaire, has been wrong in accusing me of having criticized that tragedy, and in attributing to me an epigram, the author of which has never been known, and which ends with two very poor lines: "Pour avoir fait pis qu'Esther, Comment diable as-to pu faire"

"Bide a wee; that'll come in guid time," said Alec, pseudo-prophetically. "Weel I s' hae a pu' at the legs o' him, to help him to jeedgement; for he'll be the deith o' ane or twa o' ye afore lang." "Never min' Murder Malison. Will ye tak oot the bit lassie?" "Od will I! Whaur is she?" Alec jumped down and held her up to the open pane, not a foot square. He told her to put her arms through first.

Unto Pu, once a man, now a god, before whose snowy statues bow the myriad populations enrolled in the guilds of the potteries.

Nevertheless, with purpose unmoved, nine-and-forty times did Pu seek to fulfil the Emperor's command; nine-and-forty times he strove to obey the behest of the Son of Heaven.