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"If he will be, and better far will he be, by God's grace, from what I hear of him, than ever I have been, he must learn that which I learnt from thee, to understand these Englishmen, and know what stout and trusty prudhommes they are all, down to the meanest serf, when once one can humor their sturdy independent tempers."

Literary men constantly call Philistines and Prudhommes those who lay great stress upon the absence of moral sense as one of the great defects of the school of literature and art to which Murger and his friends belong; and yet there should be a name for such conduct as this, if for no other reason, for the sake of the culprits themselves, as, when poor Murger acted in this way to me, he was as unconscious of what he did as when he raised heaven and earth to hunt down a dollar.

In the first year of Queen Anne, 1701, was the first act referring specially to arbitration of labor, and the next, Lord St. Leonard's act, in 1867, which attempted to establish councils of conciliation, something after the pattern of the French conseils de prudhommes; but in 1896 these acts were repealed and the Conciliation Act of the 59th Victoria, chapter 30, substituted.

As we have already explained, in the case of first love, the soul is taken long before the body; later on, one takes the body long before the soul; sometimes one does not take the soul at all; the Faublas and the Prudhommes add: "Because there is none"; but the sarcasm is, fortunately, a blasphemy.

It is this struggle, to use the technical terms of the time, of the "greater folk" against the "lesser folk," or of the "commune," the general mass of the inhabitants, against the "prudhommes," or "wiser" few, which brought about, as it passed from the regulation of trade to the general government of the town, the great civic revolution of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries.

Mary and King William that into Ely I would get this day; and in Ely I am; so I have done my work." "And now you shall taste as such a gallant knight deserves the hospitality of Ely." It was Torfrida who spoke. "My husband's prisoners are mine; and I, when I find them such prudhommes as you are, have no lighter chains for them than that which a lady's bower can afford."

You are two prudhommes well matched, and you can fight out this any other day'; and away he and his men go down the dike-end to the water." "Leaving Richard safe?" "Wounded a little, but safe enough." "And then?" "We followed them to the boat as hard as we could; killed one with a javelin, and caught another." "Knightly done!" and William swore an awful oath, "and worthy of valiant Frenchmen.

For the adjustment of individual disputes, France has long had in her conseils de prudhommes a special system of labor courts that constitutes one of her most distinctive social institutions. These are special tribunals composed of employers and workingmen, created for the purpose of adjusting disputes by conciliation if possible, or judicially if conciliation fails.

This was not calculated to calm Tholomyes' improvisation; he emptied his glass, filled, refilled it, and began again: "Down with wisdom! Forget all that I have said. Let us be neither prudes nor prudent men nor prudhommes. I propose a toast to mirth; be merry. Let us complete our course of law by folly and eating! Indigestion and the digest. Let Justinian be the male, and Feasting, the female!