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"But what the dooce is a note-of-hand?" said Beetle. "I only read about it in a book." "Now you've jolly well got to make one," said Stalky. "Yes but our ink don't turn black till next day. S'pose he'll spot that?" "Not him. He's too worried," said McTurk. "Sign your name on a bit of impot-paper, Stalky, and write, 'I O U two and fourpence. Aren't you grateful to me for getting that out of Prout?

"That's all right, then, Greazer," I said, not being too hard on him, and excusing the sly wink he gave to Prout as he told his barefaced banger about not hearing the bell, in memory of his past services. "Come along now and rig them up smart, or you'll have Mr Fosset after you."

The first person seen on Italian soil when Browning and his wife disembarked at Leghorn was the brilliant and erratic Irish priest, "Father Prout" of Fraser's Magazine, who befriended them with good spirits and a potion of eggs and port wine when Browning was ill in Florence, and chided Mrs Browning as a "bambina" for her needless fears.

"The poor little beggar's as make as a cat, for he daren't call his sowl his own!" I asked after some of the other men belonging to my old ship, including Accra Prout, whom the colonel wished to accompany us to Venezuela, the mulatto refusing on the plea that, though he should always love his "old massa," he could not go with him for one insurmountable reason.

There was a sermon preached on the evenin' before that battle, such as can only be heard once." "A sermon?" enquired Wilson. "Yes; a sermon preached for our side by the Rev. Joab Prout. I told my son there about it, and he wrote it into a beautiful sketch for one of the papers. He's got a knack of words, and can tell about it much better than I can.

"At the end of the crushing season, I think," answered Sherard coolly; "the brat will be old enough to be taken from her by then." It is a bad thing for a man to "thump" either a Chilian, or a Peruvian, or a Mexican. And Prout had "thumped" the evil-faced Chileno very badly one day for beating a native nearly to death.

"The tone of the house seems changed changed for the worse," said Prout to Harrison and Craye. "Have you noticed it? I don't for an instant impute " He never imputed anything; but, on the other hand, he never did anything else, and, with the best intentions in the world, he had reduced the house-prefects to a state as nearly bordering on nervous irritation as healthy boys can know.

Could it be that the one true element the one primal matter is hydrogen, and that all other forms of matter are but compounds of this original substance? Prout advanced this startling idea at first tentatively, in an anonymous publication; but afterwards he espoused it openly and urged its tenability.

"You young demons!" the Reverend John replied. "And am I to understand that the -the usury business was another of your house-master's impressions?" "Well we helped a little in that," said Stalky. "I did owe Beetle two and fourpence at least, Beetle says I did, but I never intended to pay him. Then we started a bit of an argument on the stairs, and and Mr. Prout dropped into it accidental.

So shalt thou, also, partake of the savory crumbs of advice which it is my intention to bestow on this man of Belial and his companions." Master Prout, thereupon drawing a chair, placed it immediately in front of the captain, and seated himself, while mine host held the delinquent fast.