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"A Val Verde County lad who counted with him said they were all right not a hoof shy. But the medicine man's opinion was the reverse. At this the Val Verde boy got on the prod slightly, and expressed himself, saying, 'Why don't you have two of the other boys count them? You can't come within a hundred of me, or yourself either, for that matter.

"Yes, what's left of me," answered Phil, running fast to keep up with the swiftly moving elephants. Just before reaching the intersecting street he managed to get ahead of Kennedy and his charges. "Hurry, hurry! They're right here," howled the Circus Boy. The trainer, with prod and voice, urged the elephants into even quicker action than before.

He had come to believe that he had done evil in silently loving Theresa all these years, and it was my vengeance to allow him to believe this, to prod him ever to believe it afresh. I am conscious that this frame of mind was not continuous in me. For I remember, too, that when Allan and Theresa were safely apart and sufficiently miserable I loved them as dearly as I ever had, more dearly perhaps.

Also, one learned to slow from a gallop into a walk; when to wheel to the right or to the left, and when to start on the jump as the first notes of a charge were sounded. It was better to learn the bugle-calls, he found, than to wait for a jerk on the bits or a prod from the spurs.

What was it she was going to do now? Oh yes; how idiotic; take a lump of sugar. She didn't want the beastly tea. She was springing up. She was on the couch, sobbing. She was thinking more sharply than she had for weeks. She reverted to her resolution to change the town awaken it, prod it, "reform" it. What if they were wolves instead of lambs? They'd eat her all the sooner if she was meek to them.

I'll be a bandit, and when I'm old, and if Diaz doesn't put me against the wall and prod holes in me like Gonzales, they'll take me in the Rurales, same as Gerado." "Who is it writes on the wall, Becodar?" asked Sherry of our host, as, on his knees, he poured out pulque for us. The old man turned musingly, and made motions of writing, a pleased look in his face.

When the great war broke out in August, 1914, wise unbelievers shook their heads and commiserated Wellesley; but the dauntless Chairman of the Alumnae Restoration and Endowment Committee continued to press on with her campaign to draw dilatory clubs into line, to prod sluggish classes into activity, to remind individuals of their opportunity.

Her lips were half open, as if about to speak, but were without words; the thin, delicate nostrils trembled. "Will you? Will you, because I kept the faith of callouses? Will you go forth and dream for a day? We'll tell fairy stories! We'll get a pole and prod the dinosaur through the narrow part of the pass and hear him roar his awfullest. Will you?"

They never uttered a word, but Bob's impatience and nervousness would have kept his tongue in constant motion had it not been for George, who gave him an energetic prod in the ribs whenever he showed a disposition to become colloquial.

Seeing me asleep he would either give me a prod with his bayonet or a smart rap with the butt-end of his rifle to wake me up, the idea no doubt being to impress upon me the serious nature of my position and to inflict upon me the utmost discomfort.