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Poynsett, "nor are Sir Harry's feelings very acute; but perhaps poor old Proudfoot ought to be spared, and there are considerations as to the Vivian family. Still, I don't see how to consent to Archie going into exile again with this stigma upon him. I am sure Raymond would not, and I do not think Mr. Bowater will."

Fresh subjects were started, and on all the talk was lively and pleasant, and fascinated Cecil, not from any reminiscence of Dunstone for indeed nothing could be more unlike the tone that prevailed there: but because it was so different from that of Compton Poynsett, drifting on so unrestrainedly, and touching so lightly on all topics.

Raymond repeated his question as to the quarters of Miles's wife. "I had the old schoolroom and the bedroom adjoining newly fitted up," answered Mrs. Poynsett. "Jenny Bowater was here yesterday, and gave the finishing touches. She tells me the rooms look very nice. Cecil, my dear, you must excuse deficiencies; I shall look to you in future." "I hope to manage well," said Cecil.

It was the first time she had met the little one since they came back. Not that she is little now, she is very tall and quite handsome even by the side of Edith. We just saw Lady Rosamond a sweet face and Herbert perfectly raves about her!" "She is a most unselfish warm-hearted creature!" said Mrs. Poynsett. "I am so glad! And Miles's wife, I hope she will come. Poor thing, she looks very poorly."

Poynsett at the head of her own table, and Miles in the master's place, and the three waifs from absent families would have seemed equally unlikely guests; while of last year's party Charlie was in India, Tom De Lancey with the aunts in Ireland, Cecil at Dunstone. Mrs.

"He is going," cried his mother, but Anne started forward with drops of strong stimulant, Rosamond rubbed spirit into his forehead, the struggle lessened, the light flickered back into his brown eyes, his fingers closed on hers. "Speak to him," said Mrs. Poynsett. "Do you see her, Frankie dear?" "Frank! dear Frank, here I am."

Poynsett was quite conscious that Cecil had more high breeding and refinement than Rosamond, who was essentially the Irish Colonel's daughter, and that the cold temperament of the one irritated the warm nature of the other.

She was evidently prepared; for though her colour rose a little, her frank eyes looked at him with a confiding smile. "But we must have justice done to you, my dear boy, whether you stay with us or not," said Mrs. Poynsett.

Poynsett cut out pictures, made suggestions, and had associations of her own with the combinations of which Anne had little notion. Or she dictated letters which Anne wrote, and through all these was a kindly, peaceful spirit, most unlike the dreary alienation in which Cecil persevered. To Cecil this seemed the anxious desire for her lawful rights.

Charnock Poynsett just now, which I'm right sorry to see led along by the like of her, and so are more of us; and we all wish some friend would give her a hint, which she is but young and 'tis doing harm to Mr.