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A potato-field, with men digging in it, was something far apart from their experience and manifestly filled them with interest. "Keep still now, Sandy," muttered the first speaker, who was wise in the ways of the wood-folk. "Keep still till they git used to us. Then we'll go for our guns."

"Confound it, Peter," he said, when they had gone over a field or two, and the dogs missed the scent for a moment, "I thought at any rate you knew better than to cross the dogs that way." "Who crossed the dogs?" said the other "what nonsense you're talking: why I wasn't out of the potato-field till they were nearly all at the next wall."

'He's been tryin' a trick on us, and sendin' us to the wrong place. It's rather late in the season for a show of the kind, but the place we ought to go to is a potato-field. "'What on earth are you talkin' about? says I, dumbfoundered.

To the quietest human being, seated in the quietest house, there will sometimes come a sudden and unmeaning hunger for the possibilities or impossibilities of things; he will abruptly wonder whether the teapot may not suddenly begin to pour out honey or sea-water, the clock to point to all hours of the day at once, the candle to burn green or crimson, the door to open upon a lake or a potato-field instead of a London street.

It is sad to turn from the cloudy sky and sombre landscape; from yonder hill, with its crown of rusty, black pines, the foliage of which is so dismal in the absence of the sun; that bleak pasture-land, and the broken surface of the potato-field, with the brown clods partly concealed by the snowfall of last night; the swollen and sluggish river, with ice-incrusted borders, dragging its bluish-gray stream along the verge of our orchard like a snake half torpid with the cold, it is sad to turn from an outward scene of so little comfort and find the same sullen influences brooding within the precincts of my study.

Before the month was over, the garden and potato-field were cropped, and Humphrey took upon himself to weed and keep it clean. Little Edith had also employment now, for the hens began to lay eggs, and as soon as she heard them cackling, she ran for the eggs and brought them in; and before the month was over, Jacob had set four hens upon eggs.

Those who know Turner's painting of this lake would be disappointed, no doubt, if they saw it first from this height. The picture was made at the edge of the water with the Carlow Stone in the foreground, and over the mountains on the southern shore appears a sky that would make the dullest potato-field thrilling.

So one morning when Mr McQueen came back very early from his potato-field, he was not glad to see Mr Conroy's horse standing near his door, and Mr Conroy himself, leaning on the farmyard fence, looking at the fowls. "How are you, McQueen?" said Mr Conroy, when Mr McQueen came up. "Well enough, Mr Conroy," said Mr McQueen. "And you're doing well with the farm, too, it seems," said Mr Conroy.

The landlord, of course, received their superfluous salmon, and they were not the men to spare a potato-field, so both were forthcoming, and in the satisfaction of appeased hunger, we were willing to indorse the opinion of a former English traveller in the guest's book: "This place seems to me a paradise, although very probably it is not one."

There was also a little potato-field, very useful, and an earth bank, with sloe bushes upon it, which had done blossoming, and now bore fruit, sloes, that draw one's mouth together if one tastes them before the frost has touched them.