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I'd hide away somewhere to write it, and put it in the post-office myself." "I have no chance, he gives me only a sheet of paper at a time, and must always know what I do with it. It's the same way with my pocket money; so I can't buy postage-stamps; and I don't know how to direct the letter either." "Oh dear! and it's just the same way with me!" sighed Lulu. "When will papa come?

He never spends a soldo, I am positive; and if he drops a centesimo under the benches, he is capable of hunting for it for a week. He does as magpies do, so Derossi says. Everything that he finds worn-out pens, postage-stamps that have been used, pins, candle-ends he picks up.

That's because I never took pains with my writing when I was a boy. I don't think I should get a high mark for penmanship if I were at school, do you?" "I see you get letters from Europe," said the boy, as Longfellow opened an envelope with a foreign stamp on it. "Yes, from all over the world," said the poet. Then, looking at the boy quickly, he said: "Do you collect postage-stamps?"

"Which I gets the rheumatiz so bad in my joints," she was wont to say "that I often wonders 'ow I knows postage-stamps from telegram- forms an' register papers from money-orders, an' if you doos them things wrong Gove'nment never forgives you!" "Ah, you'll never get into no trouble with Gove'nment, Missis Tapple!" her gossips were wont to assure her, "For you be as ezack as ezack!"

The officer in charge told him that the weight of stamps sent out from that room averaged a little over three tons daily, and that the average value of the weekly issue was 150,000 pounds. Then he was led into a fireproof safe a solid stone apartment which was piled from floor to ceiling with sheets of postage-stamps of different values.

You may become a collector of almost anything in the world, orchids, postage-stamps, flint arrowheads, cook-books, varieties of the game of cat's cradle, and if you chase your trifle in the right spirit it will lead you into pleasant surprises and bring you acquainted with delightful or amusing people.

Not long before my arrival, the current postage-stamps, large quantities of which had been bought by foreign firms within the country, were suddenly declared worthless, and the entire accumulated correspondence for the next steamer returned to the senders, instead of at least being forwarded to destination under excess charges.

He has been collecting postage-stamps for more than two years now; and he already has hundreds of them from every country, in a large album, which he will sell to a bookseller later on, when he has got it quite full. Meanwhile, the bookseller gives him his copy-books gratis, because he takes a great many boys to the shop.

What sense of justice can any Queen have in her bosom who will send such a one back, to heap sin upon sin, to fasten the bonds of iniquity on the soul of my child? Postage-stamps and postmarks and an old envelope! The triviality of the things as compared with the importance of everlasting life made her feel that they were unworthy to be even noticed.

We gather them up and place them there; and in the winter I amuse myself by glancing through them. You see, we cannot burn them without opening them, for they often contain money francs, half-francs, and especially postage-stamps." He stirred up the letters, and, selecting a few at random, showed the addresses, and opened them to read.