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As my wife you shall some day be admired and envied by all women." "Now I know you are deranged!" she declared, also rising. "Any man in his right mind could not think to win the love of a woman after such a fashion. Porfias del Norte, that wound has made you a madman!" "It is love that has made me mad, my Northern flower.

I have learned that he was buried alive in a cave, and the thought of his frightful sufferings before he died has torn my soul with anguish. They say the real cause of his death was the gringo, Merriwell. I am the avenger of Porfias del Norte, and I have sworn to make him suffer even as Porfias suffered, and then to destroy him at last. It is an oath I shall keep."

If I go to Warren Hatch, the man may become angry, and give his son a raking down that will do more harm than good." After getting into bed, Merry continued to meditate on the matter, finding it was not easy to decide on a course. He thought of many other things. The memory of his recent encounters with Porfias del Norte haunted him.

Merriwell is just the man not to do it. Were he to take so much trouble, what would he prove against me?" "He could prove that you were concerned in a dastardly attack upon him up in the Adirondacks, being at that time the worthy associate of Porfias del Norte, who came to a well-merited death, together with two other ruffians, by being buried by a landslide." Hagan grinned.

But that snow-white hair and the deeply furrowed face how different! Yet about the man's face there was something that strongly reminded the youth of Porfias del Norte. "I beg your pardon," said Merry, in turn. "But the sight of you gave me a start. For a moment I fancied I knew you that we had met before."

The car stopped, the sliding door rattled, and they stepped in, being swiftly carried to the ground floor, from which they emerged upon lower Broadway. "A little while ago," said Hagan, "I was in a scheme with Porfias del Norte to bring this Merriwell to his knees and denude him of his Mexican property. He defied us all, but I believe we might have succeeded had Del Norte lived.

"Dear boy," said Lazaro, with an air of gentleness, "I do not blame you if you can compel the gringo to give you anything; but Porfias had the only real title to that property that was worthy of consideration. Had he lived, he would have wrested everything from Merriwell. Now that he is dead, I shall take his place and do the work as he would have done it."

I learned by doing so that President Pedraza did make a grant of such land to Guerrero del Norte in eighteen thirty-two; but that the grant was afterward annulled when Guerrero was proclaimed a bandit by Santa Anna. That disposed of the claim of Porfias del Norte, for had he lived he could not have induced the Mexican government to reaffirm the old grant.

First I will ruin his scheme to build a railroad in Sonora. For that purpose the first blow shall be made this night." "You're like Porfias del Norte turned into his own father!" declared Hagan. "When you talk you are him to the life, only that you are an old man with a furrowed face and snow-white hair. He was in the very flush of vigorous youth."

But Old Gripper had been aroused, and he was determined to make it hot for his recent captors, who, led by Porfias del Norte, had gone to desperate lengths to obtain valuable papers which were the basis of a business combination that threatened the interests of Del Norte and his associates. "Unless they move on the jump I'll have the bunch of them nipped before long," Old Gripper declared.