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Margaret glanced indifferently at the profusion of roses and pink pond-lilies a rare variety only found in two places in America, on Long Island and near Boston and having looked, she turned to go. Clémentine held up two or three flowers, as if to try the effect of them on Margaret's dress. "Madame would she not put some flowers in her dress?" No. Madame would not. Madame detested flowers.

And when it did come it found her, at half-past eight o'clock, decorating with pond-lilies, in honor of the occasion, the comfortable excursion-wagon, capable of holding their party of eight besides the driver. By nine o'clock they were driving up Orange street by the Sherburne and Bay View Houses, on their way to Siasconset, or, 'Sconset, as it is familiarly called.

Old Betsey yonder sells magnolia flowers in June, and also pond-lilies, which thee may know as reasonably pleasant things to thee or me; but of a sudden I find our friend Schmidt kneeling on the pavement with his head over a tub of these flowers, and every one around much amazed." "Was it not seemly?" said Schmidt, joining us.

"Not only from what Doctor Forester has told me of your family, but from what I have seen and heard for myself." With a light heart the doctor went away over the hill to the path which descended to the river. Far down the bank, near the pond-lilies, he had caught a glimpse of a blue linen gown.

The table, a horseshoe of silver and white, of glittering plate and sparkling cut-glass, faced a rustic stage which occupied one end of the room; occupying the inner arc of the half-circle was a wide but shallow stone fountain, upon the surface of which floated large-leaved Egyptian pond-lilies.

If we go into the jungle, we find plenty of ebony, satin-wood, bamboo, fragrant balsam, and india-rubber trees; we see the shady pools covered with the lotus of fable and poetry, resembling huge pond-lilies; we behold brilliant flowers growing in tall trees, and others, very sweet and lowly, blooming beneath our feet.

Giving ourselves up to the sweet influences of the scene, we trotted our horses slowly, past dusky bits of forest that made the air fragrant with the damp smell of the woods, and by occasional shining pools adorned with floating pond-lilies, and shaded with thick, low bushes of witch-hazel.

But her portion of sunshine for that day was brief enough, for Madeline soon returned from her boat-ride, and Henry found an excuse for leaving the game and joining her where she sat on the ground between the knees of a gigantic oak sorting pond-lilies, which the girls were admiring. As he came up, she did not appear to notice him.

"I almost wish I might be spirit of a mill, or better still, that old boat yonder basking in the pond-lilies and holding up its shadow!" "I am glad you like it," said Duff Salter. "Let us go in and see if the house is hospitable." As Podge Byerly walked up the worn stone walk of the lawn she saw a familiar image at the door her mother. "You here, mother?" said Podge. "What is the meaning of it?"

The lake was a beautiful bit of water, and in some parts of it pond-lilies grew in abundance. The young people gathered a quantity of these, both white and pink, to decorate the supper-table. Then when the feast was ready, Uncle Charlie called the children together, and they came with a will, for their afternoon out of doors had given them a good appetite for the hamwiches and jamwiches.