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The harvest was a good one, and within a year he had managed to pay off his debts both to the lady and to his brother-in-law. So he became a landowner, ploughing and sowing his own land, making hay on his own land, cutting his own trees, and feeding his cattle on his own pasture.

I listened to this with great interest, for Jack and I had had some talk upon this subject, which began in his ardently expressed wish that massa would allow his land to be ploughed, and his despairing conclusion that he never would, ''cause horses more costly to keep than coloured folks, and ploughing, therefore, dearer than hoeing or digging.

Is it merely to pant beneath this weary load; to sicken of the sun; to grow old; to drop like leaves into the grave; and to bequeath to our heirs the worn garments of toil and labour that we leave behind? Is it to sail for ever on the same sea, ploughing the ocean of time with new furrows, and feeding its billows with new wrecks, or " and his thoughts paused blinded and bewildered.

A very poor man was once ploughing his field and as he ploughed the share caught fast in something. At first he thought that it was a root and tried to divide it with his axe; but as he could not cut it he looked closer and found that it was a copper chain. He followed the chain along and at either end he found a brass pot full of rupees.

And then he can't speak a word of English, and is ashamed of it!" "The man we saw spoke English very well. Is Fergus your brother's name?" "No; my brother's name is Alister that is Gaelic for Alexander." "He was ploughing with two wild little oxen, and could hardly manage them." "Then it must have been Alister only, excuse me, he could manage them perfectly.

On one of Hope's visits Bartley complained he had nothing to do. "I can sit here and speculate. I want to be in something myself; I think I will take a farm just to occupy me and amuse me." "It will not amuse you unless you make money by it," suggested Hope. "And nobody can do that nowadays. Farms don't pay." "Ploughing and sowing don't pay, but brains and money pay wherever found together."

In the good old days, when the ruler made a tour of inspection among his people he was received with great acclamation everywhere, for joy and gladness came in his train. In the spring he inspected the ploughing and supplied all that was lacking in the way of seed. In the autumn he examined the reaping and made up for any deficiency in the yield.

Elmer set them to work ploughing long furrows through the dry grass about a rod outside the line of fence nearest the approaching flames. Inside this line he and Mr. March set the grass on fire in many places. They could easily check these small fires as they reached the fence by beating them out with cedar boughs.

This time there is a field before you. No right of way, no trace of a path, nothing but grass rounded into those parallel ridges which mark the modern decay of the corn lands and pasture alas! taking the place of ploughing.

He cannot get away, he is so much caressed both by officers and citizens." The next spring he was ploughing in the field when a messenger rode by bringing the news of the battle of Lexington.