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Apollonie frankly admitted that she had only moved the things away to keep them from being ruined and had naturally counted on putting every object back again as soon as he came back, for she remembered where every pin-cushion and tiny picture belonged.

I hung it on a pin in this pin-cushion last night before I went to bed. I would swear I did, and now it is missing," answered Cap, still pursuing her search. "If you lost it in this room it will certainly be found," said Dorcas Knight putting down the habit and helping in the search. "I am not so sure of that. There was some one in my room last night."

Her gifts were trifling in value, but well timed, a ball of thread-wax, a paper of pins, a pin-cushion, something generally so well chosen as to show that she had been running over our needs, and noting what to give. She was no less gracious as receiver than as giver.

"I guess you'll find there's something needed besides ornaments when you come right down to livin'. For one thing, you're awful short of dishes and bedding, and you can't ever have no company unless," she added, with withering sarcasm, "you give 'em little vases to drink out of, and put 'em to bed under a picture-drape, with a pin-cushion or a scent-bag for a piller." And from that time Mrs.

My father thrust back his chair rose up put on his hat took four long strides to the door jerked it open thrust his head half way out shut the door again took no notice of the bad hinge returned to the table pluck'd my mother's thread-paper out of Slawkenbergius's book went hastily to his bureau walked slowly back twisted my mother's thread-paper about his thumb unbutton'd his waistcoat threw my mother's thread-paper into the fire bit her sattin pin-cushion in two, fill'd his mouth with bran confounded it; but mark! the oath of confusion was levell'd at my uncle Toby's brain which was e'en confused enough already the curse came charged only with the bran the bran, may it please your honours, was no more than powder to the ball.

Indeed, sons and daughters were alike trained to such practices. In 1843, Miss Fiske could not keep a pin in her pin-cushion; little fingers took them as often as she turned away, and lest she should tempt them to lie, she avoided questioning them, unless her own eye had seen the theft.

She flushed and fumbled thought of dressing-tables and the little objects of which she had made so many hanging to the mirror by ribbons; "toilet-tidies" haunted her but that was not it she smoothed out her work as if to show it to Fraulein "Na, na," came the delicate caustic voice. "Was wird das wohl sein?" Then she remembered. "It's for a pin-cushion," she said.

Every ship that entered the harbour was sure to have some bloodthirsty fiend on board to empty his cartridges into this unfortunate creature. His carcass was reckoned to be as full of lead as a careful housewife's pin-cushion of pins. But all this battering had no effect on him.

I want to get done to-night and get that pretty white furniture moved in. You're sure the enamel is perfectly dry on that bed? That was the last piece he worked on. I think Jed made a pretty good job of it, for such quick work. Don't you? Got a clean counterpane, and one of your pink-and-white patchwork quilts for in here, haven't you, and a posy pin-cushion?

And how does your mistress? cried my father, taking the same step over again from the landing, and calling to Susannah, whom he saw passing by the foot of the stairs with a huge pin-cushion in her hand how does your mistress? As well, said Susannah, tripping by, but without looking up, as can be expected.