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Emily pointed to a pile of blue and gold volumes lying on a trunk, and Becky dusted her hands as she took them up with an air of reverence, for she read on the backs of the volumes names which made her eyes sparkle. "Do you care for poetry?" asked Emily, surprised at the girl's look and manner.

The old man listened attentively, then, nodding his head, he said: "In coming through the forest to-day I passed close to a large pile of burning wood, round which were placed nine iron pots. A little man in a red cap was running round and jumping over them, singing these words: "My sweet friend, fair Helen, at the Red Castle near, Two days and two nights seeks my name to divine.

In spring most of the ricks are gone, threshed and sold, but there remains the vast pile of straw always straw and the three-cornered stump of a hay-rick which displays bands of different hues, one above the other, like the strata of a geological map. Some of the hay was put up damp, some in good condition, and some had been browned by bad weather before being carted.

But when he reached the news stand he saw a pile of New York papers lying right in front, and the great black headlines caught his eye: "FATE OF LAURENCE SHAFTON STILL UNKNOWN." "Son of multimillionaire of New York City who was kidnapped on Saturday night on his way from New York to a week-end house party at Beechwood, N. J., not yet heard from. No clew to his whereabouts.

"Why should he put the barrels there?" "I will tell you," answered Pepper, stepping forward. "I bought them to celebrate with to-night. I thought they'd make a dandy bonfire." "Indeed! Then you set them ablaze, Ditmore?" "No, sir. My idea was to roll them to the lake-shore and pile them one on top of the other." "Then who did set them on fire in the woods?"

"Froggy Waters," chose Fatty and poor little Marmaduke was left to the last, as if he were the worst player in the whole world. "Well," said Dicky, "I spouse I've got to take him. But he'll lose the game for us." He turned to Marmaduke. "I'll tell you what, Marmy," he said, "you can be the spectators a whole pile of them in the grand stand. Wouldn't you like to be a grand stand? That's great.

George's face was flushed; he had won four hundred dollars at one throw since the Mexican's two hundred had come to him with Drennen's. George had never played dice like this and the madness of it got into his slow blood and stood glaring out of his eyes. "Two hundred fifty," offered Drennen briefly. He shoved the last of his pile out on the table.

"'Husband, she said, 'I deserve what you have said, but I am going to try and get back our boy, and so to-night I will hide in the pile of wood that is outside the wigwam, and if the ghost comes along again, as he has been coming, I will catch him by the leg, and you must rush out and try to rescue our son.

"The first thing," said Janet, "is the fire," and Jack and Horace were sent off to collect wood and pile it near the Slowcoach, and fix the tripod over it. As it was quite dry, one of Mr.

Weary said yuh was playin' big luck, if yuh only knew enough t' cash in yer chips at the right time, but he's afraid yuh wouldn't be watching the game close enough an' ud lose yer pile. I don't know what he was drivin' at, an' I guess he didn't neither. It's too bad, anyway. I guess yuh didn't expect t' wind up in bed when yuh rode off up the hill.