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He had the general quality of a child for whom life had not been simplified by school, a kind of homebred sensibility which might have been as bad for himself but was charming for others, and a whole range of refinement and perception little musical vibrations as taking as picked-up airs begotten by wandering about Europe at the tail of his migratory tribe.

"A picked-up gang of gun-fighters, sent here to blow this camp off the face of the earth, since that is the only way that the backers of the rival road can find to set us back," Tom rejoined. "If they drive us away from here, they'll attack the construction force next!" Five horsemen belonging to the field party rode in furiously, Matt Rice at their head.

After they had passed he had stretched out his arm as a sign to turn to the left, and had waved his hand without looking around. My face grew scarlet. What had I become? Why, I might have been a picked-up acquaintance, somebody to be ashamed of! Ruth Chenery Vars where had disappeared that once proud and self-respecting girl?

You know how mother trembles at your picked-up words from brother!" rebuked Barbara, seemingly shocked at her sister. "What a tale these Imps could tell us of remote ages when they were flung aside as useless in the evolution of things!" said Anne, diverting a possible argument.

His readers, therefore, are not saddened by any pathetic gleanings from a once-rich harvest-field, or the carefully picked-up shakings of November boughs. Forbes-Robertson is one of those artists who has chosen to bid farewell to his art while he is still indisputably its master.

"We shall only have a picked-up dinner," said I. "I like a good picked-up dinner," answered Mr. Smith. "There is something so out of the ordinary routine of ribs, loins, and sirloins something so comfortable and independent about it. No, you cannot eat your picked-up dinner alone."

"He said I was a nameless, picked-up nobody, and that Mr. Carson was not my father. I asked him how he knew, and he said some one told him that." "So he did!" exclaimed Len. "Then I demand to know who it was!" cried Dave. For a moment there was silence, and then Whitey Wasson, with a chuckle said: "I told Len myself!" "You did?" cried Dave. "Yes, he did!

Of this, the titles of some of the most approved works of this kind may be taken as specimens: A Chronology of the Caliphs of Spain and Africa is denominated "A Silken Vest, embroidered with the Needle;" a History of Grenada, "A Specimen of the Full Moon;" Ibu Abbas and Abu Bakri are authors of historical collections, entitled respectively, "Mines of Silver," and "Pearls and picked-up Flowers."

Pa used to say 'twas, but all he had he picked up off fishin' and clammin' and cranberrin' and around. All our family had a kind of picked-up education, seemed so." "Yes, yes, Primmie, but " "But why don't I mind my own business and stick to what I was goin' to say, you mean? All right, I will.

He had proceeded for perhaps a couple of miles when Wrangle stopped with a suddenness that threw Venters heavily against the pommel. "What's wrong, old boy?" called Venters, looking down for a loose shoe or a snake or a foot lamed by a picked-up stone. Unrewarded, he raised himself from his scrutiny. Wrangle stood stiff head high, with his long ears erect.