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Consequently, if we go and look at the counterfoils and duplicates 'Yes, said Albert, thoughtfully sliding down from the piano. 'We may be able to find out something very interesting, Simon finished, descending also. 'Now? 'Now. That's what I wanted you for. You've got your pass-keys and everything, haven't you? 'Yes. 'Then run down and search. 'Aren't you coming too?

"You've got a foot movement, kid, like a baby hippopotamus trying to side-step a jab from a humming-bird. And you hold yourself like a truck driver having his picture taken in a Third Avenue photograph gallery. And you haven't got any method or style. And your knees are about as limber as a couple of Yale pass-keys. And you strike the eye as weighing, let us say, 450 pounds while you work.

"We must be getting very near to the Khalifa's strongholds now, and we are going to enter with pass-keys, my lad. Once there, it will be hard if we don't find poor old Hal." "Hard indeed," said the doctor, with energy; "but we must and will." "Well said!" continued the professor. "I think we have done wonders. Such good fortune can never have fallen to anyone before."

"Ah, good morning, gentlemen. Going down to breakfast? I'll be ready in a few moments." "Breakfast nothing!" retorted Jacob Farnum, sharply. "Our young men are missing. We went to their rooms this morning, and could get no answer. We've had their doors opened with pass-keys our three young submarine officers haven't been in their beds all night long!"

I thought with horror of the inn at Chasserades and the congregated nightcaps; with horror of the nocturnal prowesses of clerks and students, of hot theatres and pass-keys and close rooms. I have not often enjoyed a more serene possession of myself, nor felt more independent of material aids.

I thought with horror of the inn at Chasseradès and the congregated nightcaps; with horror of the nocturnal prowesses of clerks and students, of hot theatres and pass-keys and close rooms. I have not often enjoyed a more serene possession of myself, nor felt more independent of material aids.

Tenants of the mansions had pass-keys to the main door, and of all that happened after eleven he would be ignorant. He admitted that he may have gone a little before eleven that night, but even as to this he was not prepared to swear. "In fact," said Whiteside afterwards, "his evidence would lead nowhere.

Exactly along the central line of the carpet Nina tripped, languorously, like an automaton, and exactly over her head glittered the line of electric sparks. The corridor and the journey seemed to be interminable, and Nina on some inscrutable and mystic errand. At length she moved aside from the religious line, went into a service cabinet, and emerged with a small bunch of pass-keys.

The lower part of the valley, adjacent to the Canongate, is now a broad hollow space, fitted up with dwellings, shops, or manufactories; the next portion, between two bridges, is converted into an ornamental garden free to the public, and contains Scott's beautiful monument, a canopy of Gothic arches and a fantastic spire, beneath which he sits, thoughtful and observant of what passes in the contiguous street; the third portion of the valley, above the last bridge, is another ornamental garden, open only to those who have pass-keys.

He can come in one way, from the Towers, where he has often business he has pass-keys everywhere you can go in as we have often done by the lodge you need not go far. It did strike Molly that Cynthia must have had some experience in making all these arrangements; and she did venture to ask how he was to be informed of all this? Cynthia only reddened, and replied, 'Oh! never mind!