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"I ain't had any trouble with him, because he spends a heap of time lettin' me alone. But there's no manner of doubt that Joe rides the boys too hard." The drover dismissed the subject and turned to Thursday. "Want a job?" "Mebbe so." "I need another man. Since you sabe the ways of the 'Paches I can use you to scout ahead for us." "What you payin'?" "Fifty a month." "You've hired a hand."

Patiently the trailer followed them foot by foot to the point where they left the dry creek-bed and swung up the broken bank to a swale. "Probably Roubideau and his son Jean after strays," suggested Prince. "No. Notice this track here, how it's broken off at the edge. When I cut Indian sign yesterday, this was one of those I saw." "Then these are 'Paches too?" "Yes."

They accordingly opened a negotiation with Paches, the Athenian commander, and a capitulation was agreed upon by which the city was to be surrendered and the fate of its inhabitants to be decided by the Athenian Assembly. At Athens the disposal of the prisoners caused great debate. It was on this occasion that the leather-seller Cleon first comes prominently forward in Athenian affairs.

Through his skill and energy Geronimo and his war braves were later forced to give themselves up to the troops. "'Nuff said. Are these 'Paches liable to make us any trouble?" "Yes, sir. I think they are. They're a bunch of broncos from the reservation an' they have been across the line stealin' horses an' murderin' settlers. They will sure try to stampede your cattle an' run off a lot of 'em."

I reckon the 'Paches are going to leave the reservation again." "Do you allow that skunk is aimin' to bushwhack you?" "He's got some such notion. It's a cinch he ain't through with me yet." "Say, Clay, ain't you gettin' homesick for the whinin' of a rawhide? Wha's the matter with us hittin' the dust for good old Tucson? I'd sure like to chase cowtails again." "You can go, Johnnie.

But I reckon we'd better be gettin' back to camp, or the men'll think, we've been took by the 'Paches." Supper was soon dispatched, after we reached camp, the events of the day talked over, we "turned in," and in a short time were fast asleep. In the middle of the night we were awakened by the most agonizing yells and screams.

Tha's why I come out here. You Clantons is all right. I never did go in for this bushwhackin' with Dave an' Hugh. I never " "You're a born liar like the rest of yore wolf tribe. You come out here because the country got too hot to hold you after what you did to 'Lindy Clanton. I might 'a' knowed I'd find you with the 'Paches. You allus was low-mixed Injun."

"It iss that Monsieur Webb has taken my advice to drive the herd up the cañon and into the park for the night," explained Roubideau. "There iss one way in, one way out. Guard the entrances and the 'Paches cannot stampede the cattle. Voil

"That gorge to the right is called Escondido Cañon," explained Prince. "We combed it for cattle last year. About three miles up it runs into the one where the 'Paches are! Don't remember the name of that one." "I'll give it a new name," answered the boy. He raised his rifle, rested it across the back of his pony, and took careful aim. An Indian plunged from his horse.

But a lot o’ them officers nowthey come out here wi’ biggety idears ’bout how t’ handle Injuns, thinkin’ they knows all thar’s t’ be knowed ’bout fightin’an’ them never facin’ up to a Comanche in war paint, let alone huntin’ ’Paches. ’Paches, they know this here country like it was part o’ their own bodiescan say ’Howdy-an’-how’s-all-th’-folks, bub?’ t’ every lizard an’ snake in th’ rocks.