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"Look," said he, "look at this long list of tropes and figures; amongst them we could find apologies for every species of Irish bulls; but in mercy, I will select, from 'the twenty chief and most moving figures of speech, only the oxymoron, as it is a favourite with Irish orators. In the oxymoron contradictions meet: to reconcile these, Irish ingenuity delights.

It was his version of 'hello' distorted as it was in an oxymoron of informal indifference. She wondered whether she could expect anything better than this as sick and listless as she was. All sick people were an ignominy to those who were well just as contemplation was an abhorrence to all that spun in action, and as death was an opprobrium to the living.

Who ever composed with greater spirit and elegance because he could define an oxymoron or an aposiopesis? I am not joking, but writing quite seriously, when I say that I would much rather order a hundred copies of Jack the Giant-killer for our schools than a hundred copies of any grammar of rhetoric or logic that ever was written."

Her weirdness droned on: "For those less extraordinary/more than ordinary couples who believe in their oxymoron of a happy monogamy, I tell them it can only be had provided they do a bit of front seat/back seat sexcrobatics in a car and some rape role playing once or twice each week within the comforts of their bedrooms.

Here, indeed, was a "living oxymoron" a combination of inconsistent and incongruous qualities which to the typical John Bull Lord Palmerston's "Fat man with a white hat in the twopenny omnibus" was a sealed and hopeless mystery.

QUOD ... DICUNT: not strictly logical, being put for quod careat, ut dicunt. In cases like this the verb of saying is usually in the subjunctive. Cf. Roby, 1746; A. 341, Rem.; G. 541, Rem. 2; H. 516, II. 1. The indicative here is more vivid and forcible. MUNUS ... AUFERT: to say that a gift robs one of anything is of course an oxymoron; cf. n. on 16 mentes dementis.

Even undistributed earnings, goes the refrain, provide a rate of return, or a yield known as the earnings yield. The original meaning of the word "yield" income realized by an investor was undermined by this Newspeak. Why was this oxymoron the "earnings yield" perpetuated? According to all current theories of finance, in the absence of dividends shares are worthless.

This leads to the important paradox that in the theatre you must be artificial if you wish to appear natural; that on the stage, verisimilitude is greater truth than truth itself; or, to use the popular oxymoron, you must be "falsely true." In this respect the matter of "make-up" is only an instance of a general law prevailing in all matters theatrical.