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Updated: August 7, 2024

"How do you know I didn't?" asked Thede, with a provoking grin. "Because you couldn't," Sandy answered. "All right, then," admitted the boy. "We all had a share in the shooting, and Will and Tommy sent me back with the game." "Where have they gone?" asked Sandy, a look of indignation over-spreading his face. "They're always running away and leaving me to watch the camp!

Darkening steadily over the sea and densely over-spreading the whole sky, there were flying clouds of singular shape, clouds tossed up into the momentary similitude of Titanesque human figures with threatening arms outstretched, anon, to the filmly outlines of fabulous birds swooping downwards with jagged wings and ravenous beaks, or twisting into columns and pyramids of vapour as though the showers of foam flung up by the waves had been caught in mid-air and suddenly frozen.

Thus there seems, on a wide survey of the matter, no reason whatever to quarrel with that conviction, which is gradually over-spreading all classes of human society in all parts of the world, and ever more widely leading to practical action, that the welfare of the individual, the family, the community, and the race is bound up with the purposive and deliberate practice of birth-control, whether we advocate that policy on the ground that we are thereby furthering Nature, or on the opposite, and no doubt equally excellent, ground that we are thereby correcting Nature.

Be quite a treat." Half an hour after Pomp and I were pulling up the river close in beneath the over-spreading boughs, ready to shout for joy as the golden sunbeams came down through the leaves and formed a lace-work of glory on the smooth deep water.

Seventh, Let them that name the name of Christ depart from HYPOCRISIES. This exhortation is as the first, general; for hypocrisies are of that nature, that they spread themselves as the leprosy of the body, all over; not the faculties of the soul only, but all the duties of a man. So that here is a great iniquity to be parted from, an over-spreading iniquity.

The figure was very strange, being that of a tall, lean, ungainly man, dressed in a dingy suit, somewhat of a Spanish fashion, with a brown laced cloak, and faded red stockings. He had long lank legs, long arms, hands, and fingers, and a very long sickly face, with a drooping nose, and a sly, sarcastic leer, and a great purplish stain over-spreading more than half of one cheek.

A young moon hung low over the western horizon, but the bank of thunder cloud was rising fast, and by the time that the two friends had finished their evening meal, the silver sickle of the moon had become effaced, as had the stars, by the thickening of the veil of haze which had been gradually over-spreading the heavens.

Blind! that we were, all of us, I, especially, for my Gentile friend, the editor of 'The Courier' London daily paper warned me. "This he has done this morning. The priests were stopped in their preparations for the morning sacrifice. "'And, said our father, Daniel, 'for the over-spreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation. Daniel ix. 27.

Here and there is a small sugar estate in the bottom, and cultivation extends some distance up the sides, though this is at considerable risk, for not infrequently, large tracts of soil, covered with cane or provisions, slide down, over-spreading the crops below, and destroying those which they carry with them. Mr.

And how beautiful the golden mottling on their smooth, flowing surface, where the sun rained down through the over-spreading elm boughs! And the grassy sward where the boys tore off their garments, and whence they raced and plunged, was so green and firm and smooth under foot!

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