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"Will Banion and Bill Jackson has went on to Californy, Miss Molly," said he. "You know why." Mollie nodded. "Ye'd orto! Ye told him." "Yes, I did." "I know. Him an' me had a talk. Owin' you an' me all he'll ever make, he allowed to pay nothin'! Which is, admittin' he loves you, he don't take no advice, ter finish that weddin' with another man substertuted.

"I always felt that he was the kind of a man to do a trick like that. Shootin' was too good for him he orto been hung!" In her room upstairs Ollie, while entirely unaware of Mrs. Greening's vehement arraignment of Isom, bitterly indorsed it in her heart. She sat on her tossed bed, the sickness of disappointment heavy over her.

Mrs. Noah noted all this, and thinking within herself: "I orto have took him in hand long ago," she came up to him and said kindly, soothingly: "We shall all miss Maddy; I as much as any one, but I do think it best for her to go to school; and so, after tea, I'll manage to keep Jessie with me, and send Maddy to you, while you tell her about Lucy and the plan."

Nobody is there but she Miss Lennox up where the organ is," and having given the desired information, Bill ran off, wondering first if it wasn't Miss Helen's beau, and wondering next, in case she should some time get married in church, if he wouldn't fee the organ boy as well as the sexton. "He orto," Bill soliloquized, "for I've about blowed my gizzard out sometimes, when she and Mrs.

Fer days I couldn't think o' nothin' but that 'ere whale. Then he b'gun to grow smaller an' less important. Jack has lost his fust whale." "He looks heart-broken poor boy!" "But ye orto have seen her. She's got the ol' harpoon in her side an' she were spoutin' tears an' shakin' her flukes as she moved away."

But the Monarch who asks no consent and heeds no refusal claimed this daughter so beloved. She died at thirty, and it is recorded that both her father and her husband mourned for her so long as they lived. Marietta was buried in the Church of Santa Maria dell' Orto, where, within sight of her tomb, are several of her father's pictures.

Jackson also rose as Woodhull staggered to his feet. "Ye knew this man orto kill ye, an' ye sneaked hit, didn't ye? Whar's yer gun?" "There!" Woodhull nodded to the bog, over which no object now showed. "I'm helpless! I'll promise! I'll swear!" "Then we'll not sound the No-quarter charge that you and I have heard the Spanish trumpets blow.

"Did you hear the pore feller make that noise?" he asked, turning his head as if he listened, not quite convinced that his ears had not deceived him. "He's sick, he orto have a dose of turkentime for the holler horn," said one. "He's got the botts drench him for the botts," another prescribed. That suggestion appealed to their humor.

Knight returned, and driving his old-fashioned yellow wagon, with its square box-seat up by the side of Mrs. Campbell's stylish carriage, he entered the house, saying, "Come, gal, you're ready, I hope. The old mare don't want to stand, and I'm in a desput hurry, too. I orto be to hum this minute, instead of driving over that stony Portupog road.

Howard's, and comfort poor Mary, who cries all the time because she and Alice have got to go to the poor-house." "Of course they'll go there, and they orto be thankful they've got so good a place Get away. That ain't my double gown; that's a cloak. Don't you know a cloak from a double gown?"