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The voice ceased: the terror of Orna had overpowered for a time the springs of life; and Siror bore her home through the wood in his strong arms.

'Before this letter, you will have had one which I hope you will not take amiss; for it contains only truth, and that truth kindly intended. . . . Spartam quam nactus es orna; make the most and best of your lot, and compare yourself not with the few that are above you, but with the multitudes which are below you.

Three hundred of the chiefs perished that night by the swords of their own tribe. And the son of Osslah, seeing the waves now spreading over the valley, led Orna his wife, and the men of Oestrich, their women and their children, to a high mount, where they waited the dawning sun. But Orna sat apart and wept bitterly, for her brothers were no more, and her race had perished from the earth.

The face it presents to the town the top of it garnished with two rows of brackets, perforated with holes to receive the staves of the vela- rium bears the traces of more than one tier of orna- mental arches; though how these flat arches were applied, or incrusted, upon the wall, I do not profess to explain.

"But, behold, my fate is barren, and I feel already that it will grow neither fruit nor tree as a shelter to mine old age. "Desolate and lonely shall I pass away unto my grave. "O Orna! my beautiful! my loved! none were like unto thee, and to thy love do I owe my glory and my life.

Give yourself time. Try a change of scene. Go for a month or two to France or Germany. I am sure you wish to satisfy your friends that you are acting wisely, considerately, in giving up what you have. Spartam quam nactus es, orna was Niebuhr's word to me when once, about 1825, wearied with diplomatic life, I resolved to throw up my place and go not to New Zealand, but to a German University.

'Spartam nactus es, hanc orna. Erasmus, Adagiorum Chiliades, ed. 1559, p. 485.

But Orna loved Morven better than Siror, therefore she told her husband all. And Morven resented the king's ingratitude, and was troubled much, for a king is a powerful foe; but tie comforted Orna, and bade her dissemble and complain also of him to her brother, so that he might confide to her unsuspectingly whatsoever he might design against Morven.

So the next morning Orna sought the king, and she said: "The herdsman's son hath reviled me, and spoken harsh words to me; stall I not be avenged?" Then the king stamped his feet and shook his mighty sword. "Surely thou shalt be avenged, for I have learned from one of the elders that which convinceth me that the man hath lied to the people, and the base-born shall surely die.

The little streets of Loches wander crookedly down the hill, and are full of charming pictorial "bits:" an old town- gate, passing under a mediaeval tower, which is orna- mented by Gothic windows and the empty niches of statues; a meagre but delicate hotel de ville, of the Renaissance, nestling close beside it; a curious chancel- lerie of the middle of the sixteenth century, with mythological figures and a Latin inscription on the front, both of these latter buildings being rather un- expected features of the huddled and precipitous little town.