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When I have a secret to carry, it oppresses my frank and open nature more than you would think; and I find that I can conceal it best by inquiring concerning the matter of it of persons who know nothing about it. Naturally I began with the head of the house. That is myself, I suppose, nominally; but every decent man allows his wife to fill the position, and get what comfort she can out of it.

No writer, whose work is familiar to me, has ever yet described with unsparing fidelity the kind of misery which lies in having to do precisely the same things at the same hour, through long and consecutive periods of time. The hours then become a dead weight which oppresses the spirit to the point of torture.

Though I was only an ignorant and blind instrument, I feel as ashamed and grieved at it as if I had acted for myself. It weighs upon me, it oppresses me. I entreat you, let us speak rather of yourself, and of what interests you for the soul expands with generous thoughts, even as the breast is dilated in pure and healthful air."

Most certainly there will be no relaxation by the Government authorities in the effort to get at any great railroad wrecker any man who by clever swindling devices robs investors, oppresses wage-workers, and does injustice to the general public.

I can say no more to you now. My heart oppresses me so that my lips refuse to speak. To-morrow, perhaps." "To-morrow morning I leave you, and there will be no opportunity of speaking," I said. "Don Hilario will be here watching you, and, though he is so much in the house, I cannot believe that you trust him."

I know she is very anxious and uneasy; and I feel positive that some great secret painfully oppresses her heart. Either she knows nothing it would be of any use for us to hear, or she considers it her duty to be silent. It is impossible to doubt her affection for us for all of us. If at a future time she informs me of what she has hitherto concealed from us, you shall know about it immediately."

In the present day, power holds a smoother language, and whomsoever it oppresses, always pretends to do so for their own good: accordingly, when anything is forbidden to women, it is thought necessary to say, and desirable to believe, that they are incapable of doing it, and that they depart from their real path of success and happiness when they aspire to it.

Today, for instance, I am particularly oppressed by one memory of a distant past. It came back vividly to my mind a few days ago, and has remained haunting me like an annoying tune that one cannot get rid of. And yet I must get rid of it somehow. I have hundreds of such reminiscences; but at times some one stands out from the hundred and oppresses me.

I feel as if love in a woman must destroy her rights of equality, that it gives to her a sovereign even in one who would be inferior to herself if her love did not glorify and crown him. Ah! if I could but merge this terrible egotism which oppresses me, into the being of some one who is what I would wish to be were I man! I would not ask him to achieve fame.

The owner of this dangerous path keeps it private, and imposes a toll of about 3.5d. on all passengers. A peculiar sensation oppresses the traveller crossing the slender path.