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"Offer accepted with pleasure," came from Giant. "Do you really think we can get the photographs your father wants, Shep?" asked Snap. "It wouldn't be fair to take the offer up and then disappoint him." "He thinks we can do it.

"Why not? Why should I not be married as well as my neighbors?" said she, sharply. Nobody arguing that point, both being indeed too bewildered to argue at all, she continued, majestically, "I assure you, sisters, there could not be a more unexceptionable offer. It is true, Mr. Ascott's origin was rather humble; but I can overlook that.

His strongest rival was Mary Stuart, and before Mary landed in Scotland Lady Lennox planned the union of both their claims by the marriage of her son with the Scottish Queen. A few days after her landing Mary received a formal offer of his hand.

Under the trees, thanks to the thickness of their foliage, the obscurity rendered any object invisible beyond a radius of from thirty to forty feet. The reporter and Pencroft, halting at any suspicious sound, advanced with great caution. They walked a little distance apart from each other so as to offer a less mark for a shot. And, to tell the truth, they expected every moment to hear a report.

Turning his head round there and then, he gave directions to the senior officer of his household to preside at the sacrifices and to offer libations in his stead; and Chia She and the others stood together on one side and made obeisance in return, and then came in person again and gave expression to their gratitude for his bounty. Shih Jung was most affable and complaisant.

When he communicated the offer, therefore, to his friend, the Warden, it was with the remark that he believed he should accept it. "Accept it?" cried the Warden, opening his eyes. "I should think so, indeed! Why, it puts you above the level of the highest nobility of the Court to which you are accredited; simple republican as you are, it gives you rank with the old blood and birth of Europe.

I shall be glad to see you here, if you think it proper for as short or as long a time as you please. All in this family offer you their compliments: and I ever am, more than I can express, my dearest child, your most affected and dutiful father,

"That I am not going to leave my old father and mother whatever you or any other man may say to me, Mr Gaffin," answered Jacob, putting his arm through the handle of his basket and rising. "Good evening to you." He walked on. Gaffin after sitting for a moment, somewhat taken aback, followed him. "Come, think of my offer, lad, I wish you well.

It seems to me that a man who thinks he can make two thousand a year is very foolish to let himself out at two guineas an evening." "Do you know, Miss Linderham, that was just what I thought myself, and I told the respectable Spink so, too. I told him I had had an offer of two thousand a year in his own line of business. He said that no firm in London could afford the money.

The Gallinaceae offer many analogous cases; for none of the species, such as partridges, quails, guinea-fowls, etc., in which the colours of the plumage have been largely transferred from the male to the female, are brilliantly coloured.