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"What I've got out of this business, I've sweated for." Then the Baron de Ross executed a pirouette of tiny self. "Worth your weight in gold! Worth your weight in gold!" "If you don't behave yourself, you little peewee, I'll leave you to plow home through the sand alone. If it wasn't for me playing nurse-girl to you, you'd have to be hiring a keeper. You better behave."

But, if the whole revenue of the Department he serves were to be his reward Michele could never, never repeat what he did at Tibasu for the sake of Miss Vezzis the nurse-girl. Which proves that, when a man does good work out of all proportion to his pay, in seven cases out of nine there is a woman at the back of the virtue. The two exceptions must have suffered from sunstroke.

When the company broke up in the spring, he found me a place as nurse-girl in a family that he knew, and said, that in the fall, a friend of his was going to organize an opera-troupe, and that he would try and get me in, for by that time, I had sung for him, and said that opera was what I had rather be in.

John, she has no choice of helpers: she is forced to put up with such crusty people as you." "I will be a dressmaker; I will be a plain-workwoman; I will be a servant, a nurse-girl, if I can be no better," I answered. "Right," said Mr. St. John, quite coolly. "If such is your spirit, I promise to aid you, in my own time and way." He now resumed the book with which he had been occupied before tea.

He was shameless enough to kiss me right before the nurse-girl, who was demanding our names and addresses and our blood and all I did was to kiss back. I didn't have any fight left, and for once he had everything his own way. Of course, it didn't last long it wouldn't have been good for him if it had but even in six minutes I managed to lose the results of six months' coldness.

They form troop lines in column, while the Captains throw open eyes over the things which would not interest my friend from New York or the German nurse-girl. The two forward troops are the enemy, and are distinguished by wearing brown canvas stable-frocks. These shortly move out through the post, and are seen no more. Now comes the sun.

"I found my second trial as nurse-girl, a great deal harder than the first; for there were three children, all sick and cross, and when hot weather came, I had a little room up under the roof to sleep in, and the heat was frightful. I had to be up nearly every night with the children, for two of them were very sick during the hottest weather, and I was called upon for nearly every thing.

They dared not come too near, for the same nurse-girl, seeing the sensation that her first remark had created, added another more astonishing, to the effect that Paddy had traded his soul to the devil, and was hunting the rubbish on the common over, for sufficient money to buy it back.

There was a group of shabbily dressed men smoking and laughing in a corner, a scissors-grinder with his wheel, two guardsmen who were flirting with a nurse-girl, and several well-dressed young men who were lounging up and down with cigars in their mouths. "You see," remarked Holmes, as we paced to and fro in front of the house, "this marriage rather simplifies matters.

Are you sure he is home?" and the little face looked up into his tremulously. "I see I have made a mistake. Mrs. Blaine will be after me for making her nurse-girl dissatisfied," laughed Mr. Blaine. "I have to see him!" and the child began to cry. "There, there, don't cry, Nellie. I will be going over that way one of these days and will take you over," soothed the man. "I can't wait a day or two.