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"And the co-operation petered out," said the reporter making a note. "Always does; and then you took it, and began to make money. Standard history of co-operation." "I guess we ain't gettin' rich any too fast," said the hostess, dryly. "Well, you will if you use the Northwick butter. What's the reason he isn't popular here when he is here?

They all laughed; Putney had a different form of derision for the Victory of the soldier's monument every time he spoke of it. "And it would suggest what those poor fellows really died for: that we could have more and more Northwicks, and a whole Northwick system of things. Heigh?

Afterwards he inclined more to mercy than the others; it was he who carried the vote which allowed Northwick three days' grace, to look into his affairs, and lay before the directors the proof that he had ample means, as he maintained, to meet the shortage in the accounts. "I wish you well out of it, for your family's sake," he said at parting; "but all the same, sir, you are a thief."

He escaped from them for the moment in the probable inference: "I presume he was lookin' for his daughters. Didn't you know," he turned to Northwick, with a sort of apologetic reproach, "lightin' matches that way in the house, here, you might set it on fire, and you'd be sure to make people think there was somebody there, anyhow?"

"I suspect Northwick is enjoying a refreshing slumber on the Montreal express somewhere near St. Albans about this time." "I doubt if his dreams are pleasant. After all, he's only going to a larger prison if he's going into exile. He may be on the Montreal express, but I guess he isn't sleeping," said Matt. "Yes," his father admitted. "Poor devil! He'd much better be dead."

They were all silent in view of the necessity that stared them in the face. Then Adeline roused herself from the false dream of safety in which her words had lulled her. She wailed out, "He's got to go! Oh, Suzette, let him go! He's got to go to prison if he stays!" "It's prison there" said Northwick. "Let me stay!" "No, no! I can't let you stay! Oh, how hard I am to make you go!

Bird looked in with his blue woollen bonnet on his head, and his pipe in his mouth, and he removed each to ask how Northwick was, and whether he would like to have some breakfast; perhaps he would like a cup of tea and some toast.

He shook in every nerve, while Elbridge pounded on the door, till a window above was lifted, and Adeline's frightened voice quavered out, "Who is it? What is it?" Mrs. Newton took the words out of her husband's mouth. "It's us, Miss Northwick. If you're sure you're awake " "Oh, yes. I haven't been asleep!" "Then listen!" said Mr. Newton, in a lowered tone. "And don't be scared.

Northwick did not say anything: he listened and watched them, as if they were a pair of confidence-men trying to work him. The priest seemed to be anxious to get the question off the personal ground into the region of the abstract, and Northwick believed that this was part of his game, a ruse to throw him from his guard, and commit him to something.

Then he heard a sharp fox-like barking, and found that his carriole had stopped at the cabin of the habitant who was to keep him over night. The open doorway was filled with children; the wild-looking dogs leaping at his horse's nose were in a frenzy of curiosity and suspicion. Northwick rose from his nap refreshed physically, but with a desolate and sinking heart.