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The six following chapters are studies of various types and groups who are being impelled by the newer conception of Democracy to an acceptance of social obligations involving in each instance a new line of conduct.

American students may well derive from all former lands from forenoon Greece and Rome, down to the perturb'd mediaeval times, the Crusades, and so to Italy, the German intellect all the older literatures, and all the newer ones from witty and warlike France, and markedly, and in many ways, and at many different periods, from the enterprise and soul of the great Spanish race bearing ourselves always courteous, always deferential, indebted beyond measure to the mother-world, to all its nations dead, as all its nations living the offspring, this America of ours, the daughter, not by any means of the British isles exclusively, but of the continent, and all continents.

In the new niche of the crypt lay a rather new coffin, which had lost some of its lustre, and a newer coffin still, bright and untarnished in the slightest degree. Beside the latter was the dark form of a man, kneeling on the damp floor, his body flung across the coffin, his hands clasped, and his whole frame seemingly given up in utter abandonment to grief.

But then Killigrew was from Paris and chanted the newer creed; he was always comparing London unfavourably with Paris even when he was showing it off most. The house in Tavistock Square was grand beyond anything Ishmael had ever imagined, if a little dismal too. It was furnished with a plethora of red plush, polished mahogany, and alabaster vases; while terrible though genuine curios from Mr.

The Shawmut Church, like the Mount Vernon, the Pine Street, and others, had to pass through experiences which make a familiar story to those who know Philadelphia, New York, and London. The work of the old city churches had been to train up and graduate sons and daughters with noble Christian principles and character, to build up the waste places and the newer societies.

What do we think now of the Christian theology of the tenth century? of the twelfth? of the fifteenth? In the nineteenth century alone, how many systems of theology have there been? In the Protestantism of the United States, how many are there to-day? Think of the names they bear older and newer!

He was horrified; then his newer spirit utterly possessed him, he didn't care; he nodded his long solemn head. Rosemary Roselle turned toward him with a cool stare that was lost in irresistible ringing peals of laughter. "Oh!" she gasped; "what a face for a compliment. It was just like pouring sirup out of a vinegar cruet."

"Blessed are they who, revering the old masters, seek out the newer ones and do not begrudge them a hearing or two. "Blessed are they who work in obscurity, nor sound the trumpet, for Art has ever been for the few, and shuns the vulgar blare of ignorance. "Blessed are they whom men revile as futurists and modernists, for Art can evolve only through the medium of iconoclastic spirits.

He had entered the room with a faint sense of sympathizing superiority and a consciousness of having had experience in controlling men. But all this fled before Colonel Pendleton's authoritative voice; even its broken tones carried the old dominant spirit of the man, and Paul found himself admiring a quality in his old acquaintance that he missed in his newer friends.

This brings us to the third difficulty, the lack of intelligent coöperation by the members of both races. Unfortunately the negroes do not care for the newer education, the education which emphasizes industrial training.