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Prince or plebeian, Valmond played his part with equal aplomb at the simple home of Elise Malboir and at the Manoir Hilaire, where Madame Chalice received him. His dress had nothing of the bizarre on this occasion. He was in black-long coat, silk stockings, the collar of his waistcoat faced with white, his neckerchief white and full, his enamelled shoes adorned with silver buckles.

He resolutely threw off his vest, then his neckerchief; but at the idea of giving up his new shoes, of walking barefoot, as formerly, over roads paved with gravel and broken glass, the luckless Faribole had a moment of hesitation. Father Lustucru, who observed him closely, profited by this circumstance with consummate cunning.

The squaw instantly squatted before the adobe hearth, warmed her bundled baby, and left the ceremony of introduction to her companion. Flip regarded the two with calm preoccupation and indifference. The only thing that touched her interest was the old squaw's draggled skirt and limp neckerchief. They were Flip's own, long since abandoned and cast off in the Gin and Ginger Woods.

Her costume was admirably adapted to this equestrian if somewhat unusual feat for a young lady. It consisted of a dark blue divided riding skirt of heavy cloth, and a midshipman's jumper, open at the throat, a black regulation neckerchief knotted sailor-fashion on her well-rounded chest. Anything affording freer action could hardly have been designed for her sex.

"You're coming with me," he said sharply. "Right now." Though he struggled, Hampton was little more than a baby in the horse foreman's muscular grip. Tripped, with a heel behind his calf, he fell heavily, Lee upon him. Both arms were pinioned behind him, and Lee's neckerchief thrust into his mouth. He writhed in impotent rage.

"Why, look you here," said Sir Francis Varney, stepping forward and placing his hand to his neckerchief; "look you here; if Mr. Henry Bannerworth should demand another fire, he may do so with the same bullet." "The same bullet!" said Marchdale, stepping forward "the same bullet! How is this?" "My eyes," said Jack; "who'd a thought it; there's a go!

Are you going home? 'Yes. 'I will see you home then. 'But why have you come without a cap on? 'That doesn't matter. I took off my neckerchief too. It is quite warm. The friends walked a few paces. 'I was very stupid to-day, wasn't I? Shubin asked suddenly. 'To speak frankly, you were. I couldn't make you out. I have never seen you like that before. And what were you angry about really?

She gave a petulant little shiver, and then, though paler and evidently agitated, composed her tattered and dusty outer garments in a deft, ladylike way, and leaned back against the mountain side, He saw her also glance at his loosened shirt front and hanging neckerchief, and with a heightened color he quickly re-knotted it around his throat. They moved from the ledge toward the trail.

And when he said so, Dennis roared again, and smote his leg still harder, and falling into fits of laughter, wiped his eyes with the corner of his neckerchief, and cried, 'Muster Gashford agin' all England hollow! 'Lord George and I were talking of you last night, said Gashford, after a pause. 'He says you are a very earnest fellow. 'So I am, returned the hangman.

"Must stop and keep the hole open," thought Tom; and then, laying his paper on a tree-trunk, he wrote clearly: "Follow the dog to the fir-wood. Pete buried in sand. Bring help, shovels, axes, ropes. He rolled this in his neckerchief, tied it round the dog's neck, and then stood pointing homeward. "Go home!" he shouted; "fetch fetch! Go home!"