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After they had been closely engaged for forty minutes, the Diamond came up; but Sir Sidney Smith, with that chivalrous feeling which marked his character, would not allow a shot to be fired, saying, that Nagle had fought his ship well, and he would not diminish the credit of his trophy.

"You mistook my meaning. The matter is not as urgent, Catherine, as you thought." He turned to Charles, "I will not desert my friends at any rate not for the present. I'll face the puffing devil with those to whom I have helped to acquaint him!" But Mrs. Nagle and the priest both knew that the brave words were a vain boast.

It was then proposed and carried that every chairman should in future have two votes, and Sir Colman's amendment was allowed to pass in the affirmative. Doctor Nagle continued to fill his office until his appointment to a more lucrative one under the Whig Government. The Eighty-Two Club which was projected in prison was finally organised in January, 1845.

All that we can say is that it took place either in 1728 or 1729, and it is possible that we may set it down in one or the other year, as we choose to reckon by the old or the new style. Burke's mother belonged to the Nagle family, which had a strong connection in the county of Cork; they had been among the last adherents of James II., and they remained firm Catholics. Mrs.

Poor fellow, he was all too soon an accepted candidate for his passage over to the great majority. A certain attorney named Nagle used to do most of his work. Speaking of another attorney this Nagle remarked: 'He has the heart of a vulture. 'I know what's worse, was Ronayne's comment. 'Indeed! This Nagle was not remarkable for the extent of his ablutions.

She laid her hands with a blind instinct upon the altar, and felt a healing touch upon their palms. Henceforth and Catherine Nagle was fated to live many long years she remained persuaded that it was then there had come to her a shaft of divine light piercing the dark recesses of her soul.

You must stay here and talk to Mr. Dorriforth." "They were making hellish noises all last night; I had no rest at all," Nagle went on inconsequently. "They were running their puffing devil up and down, 'The Bridport Wonder' that's what they call it, reverend sir," he turned to the priest.

By anagram, Elizabeth Nagle makes a perfect Angel; by heraldry and a pontifical pun, the N'Angles of the County of Meath are Angels in indefeasible succession; Elizabeth belonged to the Red branch of her family, and therefore must have resembled the royal Elizabeth; she was brought up among the "crew of Saints" in the St.

A fist flashed out and snapped his head back. That was a mistake; Williams pulled his needler, and fired a ricochet down the passage. "'Bout twelve a you yellow-bellies git outa my way," he yelled. "I'm comin' through." Nagle moved close to Williams, and shouted something to him. The noise drowned it. Kramer swung back to me, frantic to regain his sway over the mob.

Within a fortnight a raiding party composed of Dr. Henry G. Piffard and Richard Hoe Lawrence, two distinguished amateurs, Dr. Nagle and myself, and sometimes a policeman or two, invaded the East Side by night, bent on letting in the light where it was so much needed. At least that was my purpose.