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Mr Nadgett naturally passed away from Tom's remembrance as he passed out of his view; for he didn't know him, and had never heard his name. As there are a vast number of people in the huge metropolis of England who rise up every morning not knowing where their heads will rest at night, so there are a multitude who shooting arrows over houses as their daily business, never know on whom they fall.

He can tell you, if he will. He knows more of it than I do, though I know much. 'How do you know much? 'I have not been watching him so long for nothing, returned Nadgett. 'I never watched a man so close as I have watched him. Another of the phantom forms of this terrific Truth! Another of the many shapes in which it started up about him, out of vacancy.

The boy having withdrawn and shut the door, he went to it softly, examined the handle, and returned to within a pace or two of the chair in which Mr Montague sat. 'Any news, Mr Nadgett? 'I think we have some news at last, sir. 'I am happy to hear it. I began to fear you were off the scent, Mr Nadgett. 'No, sir. It grows cold occasionally. It will sometimes. We can't help that.

But Nadgett brought it quickly; and, having lingered for a moment, fell back upon his old post by the fire. 'You see, my dear fellow, resumed Tigg, 'you are too what's the matter with your lips? How white they are! 'I took some vinegar just now, said Jonas. 'I had oysters for my breakfast. Where are they white? he added, muttering an oath, and rubbing them upon his handkerchief.

'Mr Nadgett wanted to see you, she said, 'but I told him you were tired, and had requested not to be disturbed. He said it was of little consequence, and went away. As I was opening my window to let in the cool air, I saw him passing through the street this morning, very early; but he hasn't been again. Passing through the street that morning? Very early!

'Look sharp! interposed Slyme, who had now finished his nuts. 'This is quite irregular, Mr Nadgett. 'I kept at the window all day, said Nadgett, without heeding him. 'I think I never closed my eyes. At night, I saw him come out with a bundle. I followed him again. He went down the steps at London Bridge, and sunk it in the river.

'Here he is, sir. And he promptly entered; shutting the board-room door after him, as carefully as if he were about to plot a murder. He was the man at a pound a week who made the inquiries. It was no virtue or merit in Nadgett that he transacted all his Anglo-Bengalee business secretly and in the closest confidence; for he was born to be a secret.

Three others came in, laid hands upon him, and secured him. It was so quickly done, that he had not lost sight of the informer's face for an instant when his wrists were manacled together. 'Murder, said Nadgett, looking round on the astonished group. 'Let no one interfere. The sounding street repeated Murder; barbarous and dreadful Murder. Murder, Murder, Murder.

'I could not comprehend what this meant, said Nadgett; 'but, having seen so much, I resolved to see it out, and through. And I did. Learning, on inquiry at his house from his wife, that he was supposed to be sleeping in the room from which I had seen him go out, and that he had given strict orders not to be disturbed, I knew that he was coming back; and for his coming back I watched.

'If you walk round to the office, we shall be there as soon as you. Tom! Get a coach! The officer to whom he spoke departed for that purpose. Old Martin lingered for a few moments, as if he would have addressed some words to Jonas; but looking round, and seeing him still seated on the floor, rocking himself in a savage manner to and fro, took Chuffey's arm, and slowly followed Nadgett out.