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And everybody for ten miles around praised the firmness, the heroism of Father Chantavoine, who dared to affirm the public mourning and proclaim it by the obstinate mutism of his Church. The entire village, enthusiastic about this resistance, was ready to support and back up its pastor to the bitter end, to risk anything, considering this tacit protest as a safeguard of the national honor.

As to her mutism she said, “I don’t think I could speak,” “I made no effort,” again “I did not care to speak.” She claimed that she remembered being pricked with a pin but that she did not feel it.

She eats better, catheterizing is no longer necessary. Nov. 8. In the forenoon, after she had presented a rather immobile expression and had answered a few orientation questions correctly, she suddenly beckoned into space, then shook her fist in a threatening manner. Nov. 9. During the night she is reported to have varied between stiffness with mutism and a more relaxed state.

She usually lay or sat motionless, sometimes with mouth partly open, letting the flies crawl over her face, gazing in one direction, soiling, wetting, resisting moderately or markedly any interference, and had to be tube-fed. But this was not the invariable state. The most constant feature was her mutism, but even that was a few times interrupted.

In this connection we should mention that Gucci points out that stupor patients with mutism of long duration may, when requested, read fluently and then relapse again into complete unreactiveness towards auditory impressions.

Paulina was awed by the savants, but not quite to mutism: she conversed modestly, diffidently; not without effort, but with so true a sweetness, so fine and penetrating a sense, that her father more than once suspended his own discourse to listen, and fixed on her an eye of proud delight. It was a polite Frenchman, M. Z , a very learned, but quite a courtly man, who had drawn her into discourse.

Once she said, “I hear so much around here that my head gets so full.” When towards the end she was questioned about her condition, i.e., the reason for her resistance, her mutism, and her refusal of food, she said that then shewanted to be left alone”; that she did not eatbecause she did not want food,” and she also spoke of not having had any interest.

The condition, too, was not so completely affectless as one expects a deep stupor to be. The actual attempts at self-injury brought out emotion, for with them she scowled and frowned as well as showing considerable energy. To these may be added the following case. It is not unlike the ordinary stupor in the fact that there was intense inactivity and mutism with great tenseness.

As we have seen, the benign stupors are characterized by apathy, inactivity, mutism, a thinking disorder, catalepsy and negativism. All these symptoms are also found in the stupors occurring in dementia præcox. In fact this symptom complex has usually been regarded as occurring only in a malignant setting. There can be no question about the resemblance of benign to dementia præcox stupors.

With complete inactivity there is almost always consistent mutism, and perfect freedom of speech does not, as a rule, appear until the movements are free.