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Well, you shall have your Proposals forthwith; but I desire you wou'd be a little more reasonable in your Bills for the future, or I shall deal with you no longer; for I have a certain Fellow of a College, who offers to furnish me with Second-hand Motto's out of the Spectator for Two-pence each. Ind.

Ho! dealer; for its motto's sake This scarecrow from the shelf I take; Three starveling volumes bound in one, Its covers warping in the sun. Methinks it hath a musty smell, I like its flavor none too well, But Yorick's brain was far from dull, Though Hamlet pah!'d, and dropped his skull. Why, here comes rain! The sky grows dark, Was that the roll of thunder? Hark!

I can live only once, and I shall make life spin whichever way I want it to go. If I can get anybody to pay my whack, good. If not, I'll pay it myself, whatever it costs. My motto's going to be a good time as long as I can get it and who cares for the price!" Young fool, you young fool! The boy followed her to the window, and the moonlight fell upon them both. "Yes, you'll get a bill all right.

My motto's going to be a good time as long as I can get it, and who cares for the price?" The boy followed her to the window, and the moonlight fell upon them both. "Yes," he said, "you'll get a bill, all right. How did you know that?" "I haven't lived with all those old people so long for nothing," she answered. "But you won't catch me grumbling if I get half as much as I'm going out for.

These Greek Motto's are excessively dear. Ind. If you have them cheaper at either of the Universities, I will give you mine for nothing. You shall have your Money immediately, and pray remember that I must have two Latin Seditious Motto's and one Greek Moral Motto for Pamphlets by to-morrow Morning.... Ind. Sir, I shall provide them.

I've no intention of frittering away my strength on that sort of thing." "It isn't frittering away the strength," she protested. "It's enlarging the space in which you may be strong." He answered: "You're a clever little woman, but my motto's Concentrate." And this morning he concentrated with a vengeance. They met in the rhododendrons of yesterday.

What's here? for fitting the Motto of Risum teneatis Amici to a dozen Pamphlets at Sixpence per each, Six Shillings For Omnia vincit Amor, & nos cedamus Amori, Sixpence For Difficile est Satyram non scribere, Sixpence Hum! hum! hum! Sum total, for Thirty-six Latin Motto's, Eighteen Shillings; ditto English, One Shilling and Nine- pence; ditto Greek, Four, Four Shillings.

'To Make the People Better, means to blind the second eye of their obedience." "To ?" "Stop my dear friend," Chamilly interrupted with emotion, "that motto's words are sacred to me and will ever justly be to all our people. Do not disparage that motto?" "I will never disparage making the people truly better. It is to the tone of those who usurp the aim, you should apply my critique.

"I shall go joy-riding in that huge round-about. If I can get anybody to pay my score, good. If not, I'll pay it myself, whatever it costs. My motto's going to be 'A good time as long as I can get it, and who cares for the price!" Martin helped the porter to his feet, stanched his flow of County Kerry reproaches with a ten-dollar bill and went back into the Crystal Room.

I've no intention of frittering away my strength on that sort of thing." "It isn't frittering away the strength," she protested. "It's enlarging the space in which you may be strong." He answered: "You're a clever little woman, but my motto's Concentrate." And this morning he concentrated with a vengeance. They met in the rhododendrons of yesterday.

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