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"I know," ejaculated A'tim, licking at his flesh food; "in the North it was just the same with the Caribou, the whole land alive with them and Mooswa, too." "But now, A'tim, since the coming of the Palefaces we are slaughtered by them and by the Redmen. L-o-u-g-h h-o-o! I shall leave this old Range to-day forever; my heart is sad."

"Not far off from them was another village whose people were called Mooswa, or Moose people, and Nanahboozhoo soon found out that, while the inhabitants of these two villages were antagonistic to each other, they frequently met to gamble, and that the Moose people were nearly always successful and had won from the Elk people nearly everything they possessed.

"Bring me now," said Dick, "rawhide of mooswa, the moose, rawhide of ah-ték, the caribou, wátab, the root for sewing." Seated opposite each other, heads bent over the task, they made the dog-harness, strong, serviceable, not to be worn out, with the collar, the broad buckskin strap over the back, the heavy traces.

No fear of the fierce-cutting hoof thrust, such as Mooswa gave! And he was hungry. He looked at the Dog-Wolf with the eye of an epicure; what miserable eating his thin carcass would make. Much better this fight for a Buffalo. "We will charge," he said. "All at the Bull!" With short, gasping yelps the three Wolves and the Mongrel dashed at the Herd.

I love it, because I love everything that is wild. Listen! Did you hear that?" "Mooswa," spoke Jean out of the gloom close to them. "Yes, a moose," she said. "Here is where I saw my first moose, so many years ago that it is time for me to forget," she laughed softly. "I think I had just passed my fourth birthday."

"You may keep close; I will show you that I have spoken no lie." Together, one Wolf on either side of A'tim and one behind, they glided along his back trail till they came to the scene of his caustic farewell to Shag. Suddenly the Pack Leader stopped, buried his nose in a hoof hole and sniffed with discriminating intentness. "If-if-if-fh-h! By my scent, 'tis not Mooswa nor Caribou.

"Bring now to me," said the young man, "poles of the hickory, logs of gijik, the cedar; bring me wigwass, the birch-bark, and the rawhide of mooswa, the moose." "These things are at hand," repeated May-may-gwán. Then ensued days of severe toil. Dick was, of course, unable to handle the axe, so the girl had to do it under his direction.

"They are even as yourself, Great Bull; driven from the plains by the many-breathed Fire-stick, they have come to this good Range of the Northland. They go not in Herds, but few together, as Mooswa and others of the forest." "Why did she run away, Brother A'tim?" grunted Shag, lying down to rest. The Dog-Wolf laughed disagreeably. "That is but the way of the Cow kind," he answered.