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She replied, 'No; that though you were among her nearest connections, you had not called on her; and bade Duplessis tell you that you were a monstre for not doing so. Whether or not Duplessis will take that liberty I know not; but you must pardon me if I do.

Are you my wife or not?" "Monstre!" murmured Adele, opening her eyes. "There you hear she owns me!" said the German, appealing to the company with a triumphant air. "C'est vrai!" said the soft voice of the policeman. "And now, pray don't let us disturb your amusements any longer. We have a fiacre at the door. Remove your lady, Monsieur Bihl." "Monsieur Lofe!

Capable of all kinds of devotion, and of all kinds of treason, "monstre incomprehensible," raised to the second power, she is at once the delight and the terror of man. The more a man loves, the more he suffers. The sum of possible grief for each soul is in proportion to its degree of perfection. He who is too much afraid of being duped has lost the power of being magnanimous.

Quartz, upon some of the mountains near the sea-shore, is found in immense blocks and principally in that mountain range which is designated in the map as the "Montagne du Monstre," at the foot of which were dug up the remains of the huge Saurian Lizard.

"O sweet and dear hope of my remaining days; O Sister, whose friendship, so fertile in resources, shares all my sorrows, and with a helpful arm assists me in the gulf! Ce fut dans ton Senat, O fouqueuse Angleterre! Ou ce monstre inhumain fit eclater la guerre: It was from thy Senate, stormful England, that she first launched out War.

He would have all the money, he said, or keep my poor monstre in prison. Paddington came in, too, drawling and lisping and twiddling his hair; so did Champignac, and his chef everybody with foison of compliments and pretty speeches plaguing poor me, who longed to be rid of them, and was thinking every moment of the time of mon pauvre prisonnier.

It was a beautiful letter, highly scented, on a pink paper, and with a light green seal. I could not sleep ONE WINK for thinking of what had become of my odious old monstre, and only got to rest in the morning after sending for Mr. You may fancy my state when I read your poor dear old ill-spelt letter. I saw him I wept I cried I fell at his odious knees. Nothing would mollify the horrid man.

L'Américain farouche est un monstre sauvage Qui mord en frémissant le frein de l'esclavage ... Tout pouvoir, en un mot, périt par l'indulgence, Et la sévérité produit l'obéissance. Such were the cruel maxims of his government maxims which he was only too ready to put into practice.

A colonel he can't go into details!" remonstrated the hostess, with her knife in the air. "I would stick him, I tell you, as I would a pig or a Prussian! I live but for that!" "Monstre!" cried the table in chorus, with a laugh, as it took its wine. And each turned to his neighbor to prove the beard in the wrong. "Of what crime is the defendant guilty he who is to be tried to-night?"

Are you my wife or not?" "Monstre!" murmured Adele, opening her eyes. "There you hear she owns me!" said the German, appealing to the company with a triumphant air. "C'est vrai!" said the soft voice of the policeman. And now, pray don't let us disturb your amusements any longer. We have a fiacre at the door. Remove your lady, Monsieur Bihl." "Monsieur Lofe!