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Come, set out at once, and I'll fill the money-belt for you two hundred crowns will be enough, but if you should have to have more, Dominic will lend you some. Only make yourself known; I could never understand why you did not tell people who you were that time at the wedding. Something must have happened then but I won't ask any questions."

It does not take long to make a friend under those circumstances, but he died in my arms and I do not know his name. There was another man who was anxious about his money-belt; perhaps it contained something more valuable than money. I went back for it, stuffing it in my pocket, and then forgot all about it. When I thought of it again the belt was gone, and the owner had gone off to hospital.

After my wet clothes had been taken off me I was placed in bed, carefully wrapped up in blankets, and directly after some warm drink was brought me. I remember struggling somewhat when I found my money-belt being removed, and trying to possess myself of it. "Never fear, young man; it will be all safe," said a voice.

And not only that, but he would find out. He lighted the oil-lamp on the dresser and gazed at himself in the glass. Then he took off his coat, shaved, washed, and put on a clean shirt and collar. He took some gold and loose silver from his money-belt, put on his hat and coat, and hobbled downstairs.

Gradually he was able to dive into the forgotten shallows of his French learning. By much wrinkling of brows he evolved a sentence, though he had to wait some hours before there was a favorable chance to put it to use. At last his time came, with the arrival of his former friend, the sailor. "Oo avay-voo cashay mon money-belt?" he inquired with much confidence, and with pure Yankee accent.

But that, somehow, did not seem to have anything to do with my money-belt, as though I expected to go to college without encroaching upon my savings a case of eating the cake and having it The cloak-makers were so busy they had no time to attend meetings, and being little accustomed to method and discipline, they suffered their organization to melt away.

The sooner we're down and away from here, the better." "Wait. First take this," replied Carmena. She held up a thick-padded leather belt. "Slade's," she explained. "I guessed he might be carrying it. It's his money-belt, stuffed with big bills. He lied about the partnership bank-account. Take it, Jack for Elsie and me. It's ours by rights. He cheated us of our heritage.