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The latter of these commands the Duchess addressed to Mr. Mitchett, while their companion, in obedience to the former and affected, as it seemed, by an unrepressed familiar accent that stirred a fresh flicker of Mitchy's grin, met the new arrival in the middle of the room before Mrs. Brookenham had had time to reach her.

Tea on the terrace," Vanderbank went on, "isn't 'in' it. But who's here?" "Oh every one. All your set." "Mine? Have I still a set with the universal vagabondism you accuse me of?" "Well then Mitchy's whoever they are." "And nobody of yours?" "Oh yes," Nanda said, "all mine. He must at least have arrived by this time. My set's Mr. Longdon," she explained. "He's all of it now."

It was not, however, a thing to notice. "I knew it would be just so. It always is when they've been like that." "Do you mean as she apparently WAS? But doesn't it make one wonder a little IF she was?" "Oh she was I know she was. And we're also to have Harold," Nanda continued "another of Mitchy's beneficiaries. It WOULD be a banquet, wouldn't it? if we were to have them all."

Longdon's and quite without their saying anything; just from the sort of type and manner they had struck me as a kind of chorus of praise. The same with Mitchy's at Mertle, I remember," Van rambled on. "Mitchy's the sort of chap who might have awful ones, but I recollect telling him that one quite felt as if it were with THEM one had come to stay. Good note, good note," he cheerfully repeated.

Petherton's not gone, is he?" she asked in her turn of Mitchy. But again before he could speak it was taken up. "Mitchy's silent, Mitchy's altered, Mitchy's queer!" Mrs. Brook proclaimed, while the new recruits to the circle, Tishy and Nanda and Mr.

Edward Brookenham had under the influence of this demonstration gradually risen from his seat, and as his wife approached that part of her process which might be expected to furnish the proof he placed himself before her with his back to the fire. "And Mitchy, I suppose?" But he was out. "No. Mitchy's different." He wondered. "Different?" "Not a help. Quite a drawback."

But I believe in her all the same. Mitchy's often awful himself," the young man rambled on. "Just so I believe in HIM." "So do I," said Nanda "and that's why I asked him." "YOU asked him, my dear child? Have you the inviting?" "Oh yes." The eyes he turned on her seemed really to try if she jested or were serious. "So you arranged for me too?"

"His return from where?" "Why he was with them at Corfu, Malta, Cyprus I don't know where; yachting, spending Mitchy's money, 'larking, he called it I don't know what. He was with them for weeks." "Till Jane, you mean, called him in?" "I think it must have been that." "Well, that's better," said Van, "than if Mitchy had had to call him out." "Oh Mitchy !" Mrs. Brook comprehensively sounded.