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I have mentioned the above circumstance to give the reader some notion of the lawless state of society, deeming it out of keeping with the humble character of this simple narrative, and perhaps beyond the ability of the writer, to enter more minutely into the various causes which have contributed to bring the country into so unhappy a state.

Every space-ship within range of her powerful detectors was represented by two brilliant, slowly moving points of light; one upon a great micrometer screen, the other in the "tank" the immense, three-dimensional, minutely cubed model of the entire Solar System. A brilliantly intense red light flared upon a panel and a bell clanged brazenly the furious signals of the sector alarm.

All these people had minutely narrated their experiences to her at great length, not omitting any detail which concerned themselves or circumstances which caused their surprise, and they all gave the dates, the hours which they had tenaciously kept in their memory for sixty years, for it was in the year 1872 when the Russian lady interrogated them.

Petersburg. Few sovereigns have ever ascended the throne more ignorant of affairs of state than was Paul I. Catharine had endeavored to protract his childhood, entrusting him with no responsibilities, and regulating herself minutely all his domestic and private concerns.

At first he met with no success, but when making a wide circuit round the premises, still applying his nose to the ground occasionally, and minutely examining the bushes, he paused abruptly, and announced to the party that he had found the precise direction taken by the maid and her deliverer. Instantly they all clustered round him, evincing the most intense interest.

Mary E. Wilkins Freeman, Mr. George W. Cable, Mr. Hamlin Garland, Mrs. Edith Wharton, Frank Norris, Jack London, Mr. Booth Tarkington, and Mr. Stewart Edward White. Each of these authors and many others might be mentioned has attained a special sort of eminence by studying minutely the effect upon impressionable characters of a particular environment.

Deftly she tied the blade of grass round his neck. Then she struck her hands together violently. The baboon vanished, frightened at this unexpected treatment. "He is gone." The colonel did not reply, but began to examine his chains minutely. "Kit, there's no getting me out of here without files. If there is any rescue you go and return. Promise." "I promise." Then they sat down to wait.

"My child is not that," said the heart-broken father, who had been examining the papers, with overpowering anxiety. "What! good Manasseh?" inquired Cromwell. "That which he did call her," replied the Jew. "There needs no farther parley. Colonel Jones, we will ourself accompany our worthy friend to the Isle of Shepey, and investigate more minutely this most unhappy business.

"The seal has not been touched since it went out of my hands; therefore the note must previously have been extracted from the letter. Now, who did it?" He sat his elbow on the table, his chin in his hand, and the envelope before him. Apparently, he was studying it minutely; in reality he was lost in thought. "It's just like the work of a conjuror!" he presently exclaimed.

In the bottom of it were charred ends of sticks and a little candle grease, buried under the mass of ashes. When Charley had carefully scraped and blown out all the ashes possible, he lay flat on his belly and examined the place minutely. Some person or persons had dug a little square chamber, like a sunken box, right in the shoulder of the mound.