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Dutton's love of perfection was not self-indulgence, was content to accept this as high approbation, and a good augury for Mark and Annaple. Indeed, with Mr. Dutton settled near, and with the prospect of a daily walk from church with him, she felt such a complete content and trust as she had not known since she had been uprooted from Micklethwayte.

The crying grew violent again, and in the midst in walked Mr. Egremont with an astonished 'What is all this? 'We have lost one of our dear kind old friends at Micklethwayte, said Alice, going towards him; 'dear old Mrs.

Egremont looked lovelier than ever, and was yes she was more of an angel, that her husband had been very pleasant, much better than he expected, and, indeed, might come to anything good under such influence; and as to little Nuttie she was developing fast, and had a brave constant heart, altogether at Micklethwayte.

She burned to pour out to her mother all the Micklethwayte tidings, and all her longings to be there; but when the Rectory party set her down at the door, the footman, with a look of grave importance, announced that Mr. Egremont was very unwell. 'Mr. Gregory thinks he has taken a chill from the effect of exposure, sir, and Dr. Hamilton has been sent for.

Hot blood surged up within Nuttie at the contemptuous tone, and she bit her lip to keep down the answer, for she knew Mr. Dutton intended to call the next afternoon for her father's ultimatum before going down to Micklethwayte, where the crisis was fast approaching, and she had so much faith in his powers that she dreaded to forestall him by an imprudent word.

Let him be as he would have been if he had never hunted us up at Micklethwayte, and put me in his place. 'Eh! said Mr. Egremont. 'It is not entailed worse luck; if it had been, I should not have been bound to dance attendance at the heels of such an old sinner as the General. 'No, but it ought to go to the heir male, and keep in the old name.

She has been living with an aunt, keeping a school at Micklethwayte. 'Not quite, said Mark. 'She has been acting as a daily governess. She seemed to be on friendly terms with the clerical folk. I came across the name at a school feast, or something of the kind, which came off in the Kirkaldys' park. 'Oh, then, I know exactly the sort of person! returned May, pursing up her lips.

I have been to see them, but Mark was not then at home, so he has come to me at Monks Horton. When will he find you at home? Or may I bring him in at once. He was to meet me at Micklethwayte. 'I should like very much to see him, was the answer. And Miss Headworth was obliged to say something about her ladyship taking a cup of tea.

I know Porlock, the second curate here very well, and he tells me that his vicar has a wonderful faculty of finding appropriate work for every one. Of course you know him? 'No, I don't; said Nuttie. 'Miss Egremont has her appropriate work, said Mr. Dutton, and the deacon felt himself pushed into his old position at Micklethwayte.

Hugh is very much struck with your friend; he had heard a good deal about Micklethwayte before, and says that such a lay worker is perfectly invaluable. It is a great pity that he is not going on in the firm, it would make it so much nicer for Mark, but he says he has duties towards his new property.