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'I am sure I shall never like anybody half so much, said Robin. 'Shall we break a sixpence and keep the halves? That's the thing, ain't it? I believe I've got one or fourpence, which is all the same. 'No, no, said Robina, backing; 'I don't think Mettie would like it. It doesn't seem right. 'But aren't you in earnest. Robin?

'Indeed, said Wilmet, 'no one has deserved a holiday more than you, Clement! You have done your best. This almost the first home praise or thanks that had fallen to his lot elicited that real grace of humility for which poor self- conscious Clement really strove. 'I have tried, Mettie, he said, with tears in his eyes; 'but it was not as if it had been one of the others.

'Not that. Oh, not that! I wish it was. 'My dear Cherry, you can't have been naughty! 'Yes, yes! indeed I have. And now 'I can't think O Cherry, if you would only tell me what you mean! cried Wilmet, aghast. And with agonised sobs. Cherry whispered, 'Mr. Rugg O Mettie such things as I said about him to Sister Constance I made sure I had forgiven long ago and now now, after that.

It gave access at once to the single plain living-room. There, all was huddled. For a moment my eyes hardly took in the truth. There are sights so sickening that the brain at the first shock wholly fails to realise them. On the stone slab floor of the low living-room Tant Mettie lay dead.

She nodded. "I came back on my bicycle, and, when I opened the door, found Tant Mettie and little Sannie dead. Poor, sweet little Sannie! Oom Jan was lying shot in the yard outside. I saw the cradle overturned, and looked under it for the baby. They did not kill her perhaps did not notice her.

'You wouldn't like me to stay with you instead of Mettie, old chap? The helplessly alarmed look of illness came into Lance's eyes. 'Oh no, no; I couldn't spare Wilmet yet. She doesn't want to go?

At one and the same moment, Lance exclaimed, 'Jack and Mettie! Thunder and ages! and Robina, 'For shame, Willie! while that personage cut a caper, at once expressive of affirmation and amusement at their surprise. 'After all, sagaciously observed Lance, 'I'm not so much surprised. I think I've made a pretty good Cupid. 'You believe it, then? cried Robina.

"But" he glanced about him again "give them to me, please, when Tant Mettie isn't looking." His nod was all mystery. "You may rely on my discretion," I replied, throwing the time-honoured prejudices of the profession to the winds, and well pleased to aid and abet the simple-minded soul in his nefarious designs against little Sannie's digestive apparatus. He patted me on the back.

'My dear Mettie, I am so sorry, so ashamed, of not having sent home to tell you; but if I had made the least move, it might have upset everything! 'What have you been about? 'Going over Mowbray Smith's accounts. 'Oh! 'I am very sorry! How tired you must be! I was vexed not to be able to give you notice, but you know what poor Smith is.

I know where Mother Harewood keeps her tea and sugar; and he pounced on a tea-caddy of Indian aspect. 'Lance, if you did that to Mettie 'Exactly so. I don't; and he ran out of the room, while Cherry sat up on her sofa, her petulance quite banished between amusement and desperation at such proceedings in a strange house.