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"That, and also making some fine studies. I have brought back with me a few pictures which I hope you will like. Shall I take the noon boat to Meriton, or wait for you?" "Go at noon. I may stop at Largo to see a yacht I think of buying." "How is Mary?" "Well and bonnie. She will be glad to see you. She has been glad always to see a letter with the Edinburgh postmark.

When he reached the street the whole atmosphere of life seemed to have changed. A sudden weariness of the placid existence at Meriton attacked him. Was he to go on, year after year, dressing and visiting, and taking little rows in land-locked bays, and little rides and drives with Mary Campbell? "I would rather fling a net in the stormiest sea that ever roared, for my daily bread," he said.

"But nobody knows for certain. His tenants never see him. He's always abroad: he's abroad now " "Abroad?" This was worse and worse. "Or else shut up at Meriton that's the great house with a lot of nasty chemicals, trying to turn copper pennies into gold, they say." Tilda caught at this hope. "P'r'aps 'e'll manage it, one of these days." "That's silly.

The entrance gates at Meriton are ancient and extremely handsome, wrought of the old iron of East Sussex, and fashioned, somewhere in the mid-eighteenth century, after an elaborate Florentine pattern tradition says, by smiths imported from Italy.

Meriton, after having cut several wax candles in pieces and stuck them up in various parts of the round-house, and lighted up all the glass lanthorns he could find, took his seat, intending to wait the approach of dawn; and then assist the partners of his danger to escape.

God fit us for the worst! Up, and to church, myself and wife, where the old dunce Meriton, brother to the known Meriton; of St. Martin's, Westminster, did make a very good sermon, beyond my expectation. Home to dinner, and we carried in Pegg Pen, and there also come to us little Michell and his wife, and dined very pleasantly.

After this, a heavy sea breaking over the ship, the ladies exclaimed, "Oh, poor Meriton! he is drowned; had he stayed with us he would have been safe!" and they all, particularly Miss Mary Pierce, expressed great concern at the apprehension of his loss. 'The sea was now breaking in at the fore part of the ship, and reached as far as the mainmast. Captain Pierce gave Mr.

"Egad, Jack," said Gay, "you should write your adventures. They would be quite as entertaining as the histories of Guzman D'Alfarache, Lazarillo de Tormes, Estevanillo Gonzalez, Meriton Latroon, or any of my favourite rogues, and far more instructive." "You had better write them for me, Mr. Gay," rejoined Jack. "If you'll write them, I'll illustrate them," observed Hogarth.

Meriton christened him. And the like in a good degree in most other parishes, I hear, saving only of the plague in them, but in this neither the plague nor any other disease.

He's the very subject for sea-sickness, the brute! . . . And the two will probably pass one another at some time in the middle of the night, while I'm sleeping like a top after a happy day at Bursfield." "You count on Chandon's coming?" "Here's the telegram 'Return Meriton Wednesday at latest. Important. Sally Breward." "Will that fetch him?" "Of course it will.