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Updated: September 29, 2024
A valuable exception to the rule against memorising must be noted here. Especially beautiful and indicative phrases of the original should be retained, and even whole passages, where they are identified with the beauty of the tale.
They were ruled with neat margins, the columns headed precisely; each quarter of the year showing a favourable balance in hand. There was no doubt but that she was a creditable housekeeper. She opened them one by one memorising with a certain pleasure their tributes to her capacity.
Well satisfied with his diplomacy, Lanyard lingered a while in the conning tower, closely studying and memorising the more salient features of the Island of Martha's Vineyard and its adjacent waters and mainland as delineated on a most comprehensive large-scale chart published by the German Admiralty from exhaustive soundings and surveys of its own navigators and typographers, with corrections of as recent date as the first part of the year 1917.
She was not bright, but he persevered in drilling her into memorising a child's catechism, and it was a most amusing picture to see her standing before him with fixed attention, as if she were straining every nerve, and reciting her answers with the drop of a curtsey at each word.
From now on she gave this talent full play, memorising even pages of the history book in her zeal; and before many weeks had passed, in all lessons except those in arithmetic you could not, alas! get sums by rote she was separated from Inez and Bertha by the width of the class.
He was playing without notes, and Falbe got up from his chair where he had the book open, and put it on the piano. "Do you find difficulty in memorising?" he asked. This was discouraging; Michael believed that he remembered easily; he also believed that he had long known this by heart. "No; I thought I knew it," he said. "Try again."
He read on more and more intently, crouched there close to the light on the floor of his car, lips thinning as he proceeded read it to the end, absorbing, memorising it and then the abortive postscript: "Look in the cupboard at the rear of the room. The man with the red wig is "
It seemed as though the night had already held a year of happenings, and the night was not over yet there was the letter! It had already cost one life; was it to cost another or what? It began as it always did. He read it through once, in amazement; a second time, with a flush of bitter anger creeping to his cheeks; and a third time, curiously memorising, as it were, snatches of it here and there.
The more primitive character of the kiss is retained by the lovers' kiss, the mother's kissing and sniffing of her babe, and by the kiss of salutation to a friend returning from or setting out on a distant journey. Identification and memorising by the sense of smell is the remote origin and explanation of those kisses.
He stretched out a hand and felt for the nearest wall like a blind man, groped his way to the door and opened it. But the other room was also in pitchy blackness. "Fuse gone somewhere," he conjectured. "May as well try and get to a chair and wait till the lights come on." Roughly memorising the position of the furniture he made for the centre of the room with hands extended.
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