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But once I saw him for a moment as he stood alone at sunrise, waiting at the gate of a Roman prison. He had taken from a secret resting-place in his bosom the pearl, the last of his jewels. As he looked at it, a mellower lustre, a soft and iridescent light, full of shifting gleams of azure and rose, trembled upon its surface.

Broad streams, bordered with a heavy fringe of reed and sedge, went winding away into a green distance where woodland and meadowland seemed indefinitely prolonged; narrow streamlets, lost to view in the growth that they fostered, disclosed their presence merely by the water-weed that showed in a riband of rank verdure threading the mellower green of the fields.

'It's it's mellower than Polonies. It's very nice. It improves every moment. It's too decided for Trotters. An't it? Meg was in an ecstasy. He could not have gone wider of the mark than Trotters except Polonies. 'Liver? said Toby, communing with himself. 'No. There's a mildness about it that don't answer to liver. Pettitoes? No. It an't faint enough for pettitoes.

To me it seems that youth is like spring, an overpraised season delightful if it happen to be a favoured one, but in practice very rarely favoured and more remarkable, as a general rule, for biting east winds than genial breezes. Autumn is the mellower season, and what we lose in flowers we more than gain in fruits.

The air was full of the rumor of great things. Now, perchance, human nature at last was going to reveal itself, the love and hope and comradeliness and joy tucked away so deep in its interlinings. Now, possibly, the streets were going to be full of singing, and the housetops were going to rejoice with the mellower stars. Anything was possible.

Had she but lived, her mind would of itself have grown like a strong tree loftier, straighter, wider-spreading and its matured fruits would have attained a mellower ripeness and sunnier bloom; but on that mind time and experience alone could work; to the influence of other intellects she was not amenable."

His views always seemed so much mellower then, and didn't puzzle the other boys more than was wholesome for them. This went on for five glorious years, the only years of my life I'd ever lived, and then came, as I thought, the end of everything. John Henry took typhoid and died.

And then this blackbird of mine had begun very hoarse at first, trying a note now and then in a tentative sort of fashion, as though still drowsy and not quite sure of himself, but little by little his notes had grown longer, richer, mellower, until here he was pouring out his soul in an ecstasy. Ah! surely there never was, there never could be, such another morning as this!

The young queen of Britain has not a more loyal subject in her realm perhaps not one who would kneel before her throne with such reverential love as this old grandsire, whose head has whitened beneath the mild sway of the Republic, which still, in his mellower moments, he terms a usurpation. Yet prejudices so obstinate have not made him an ungentle or impracticable companion.

The Day of Good-will to The Cold Weather without and the Warm Hearts within to The Christmas Tree, which grows in a Night and is plucked in the Morning by the gladdest of fingers to The Day in which Religion gives sweetness to Social Life Christmas Gifts; may they bless the Giver not less than the Receiver to The Oldest of our Festivals, which grows mellower and sweeter with the passage of the centuries to St.