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He, too, spoke in French; and as the words passed his lips I felt the soft, strong hand of Doña Orosia grasp my arm and drag me backward among the screening vines, beyond the red light of the tapers, where we could listen unseen. Melinza was laughing softly.

"Silly child, it is not in thy power to hate that man as I do, as I have done for years!" and with that she went away and left me wondering. July, the 16th day. Two things have happened recently to break the sad monotony of my life within these walls. Doña Orosia and Melinza have had a disagreement, which has resulted in his removal hence at his own demand.

"Here," he added presently, "deliver this to Don Pedro de Melinza, and bid him warn the sentries at the gate. Say, furthermore, that if any one in the town comes within twenty paces of the bier, out of the gate he shall go also." The friar received the permit silently, lifted his hand in benediction, and left the apartment.

He drummed upon the table with his withered fingers, and looked uneasily, first at his wife's flushed face as she entered the door, and then at the determined countenance of Melinza, who was standing before the heavy arras which divided that room from another in the rear.

"No, please your Excellency." Melinza smiled a slow triumphant smile. "Doña Orosia is unfortunate. I trust I shall be more successful. You would rather go to Habana as my companion, is it not so, Margarita mia?" and he stepped forward and held forth his hand to me.

'To-morrow the Virgen de la Mar returns to Habana, and with her go the English girl and your humble servant. "'The Governor, I cried, 'will not permit it! "'Will he not? Ask him, said Melinza, 'ask his Excellency the Governor of San Augustin! Then he laughed at me Dios! he laughed at me!" She bit her red lip at the remembrance, and clenched her white hands.

"Melinza sets his own desires in the scale, and they outweigh all politic scruples. He has sworn that so long as I stand between him and you, so long will Señor Rivers remain in the castle dungeon, unless Death steps kindly in to set your lover free." A little sob broke in my throat at these cruel words. Doña Orosia laid her hand on mine. "Poor little one!" she said. "You pity me, señora!

Mark him well, my child, and beware of his like; for in these days they are not a few, and woe to any who trust in them!" I remembered those words of my mother when the Señor Don Pedro de Melinza y de Colis made his bow to us that summer's day.

I went to him just now and demanded to know if he dared to send away Señor Rivers without leave from me. "'Aye, he said, and bowed to me. 'Since Doña Orosia desired for some reason to detain him here, I thought it best to be rid of him at once; but the girl remains. "'The girl remains in my guardianship, said I. "'Until to-morrow, Melinza answered.

I looked shoreward and could see our pursuers drawing closer and closer; they had not yet perceived us, but in a moment more they could not fail to do so. As they drew still nearer, riding on his dappled gray in the midst of them, I recognized Melinza!