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She went out, telling Zene she was at her wits' end. "Oh, they ain't gone far, marm," reassured Zene. "You'll find out they'll come back to the tavern all right; mebby before we get there." But every such hopeful return to base disheartened the searchers more. At last the grandmother was obliged to lie down. Early in the morning the Virginian came, full of concern.

So, as the day wuz very fair, she thought mebby it wouldn't do any hurt. The sky was so blue between the green boughs of the Park! There had been a rain, and the glistenin' green made her think of the hedgerows of old England, where she and Katy used to find birds' nests, and the blue wuz jest the shade of the sweet old English violets. How she and Katy used to love them!

Thar's a dozen different range brands in the bunch, mebby, and we needs a road-brand common to 'em all, so in case of stampedes on our trip to the no'th we knows our cattle ag'in an' can pick 'em out from among the local cattle which they takes to minglin' with. It's shorely work, markin' big strong steers that-away!

But you are goin' right from here to the Squire's; and mebby, if you make of her, and let folks see that you set store by her, they'll begin to open their eyes." I thought I felt just like kissing the poor widow; anyway, I knew I felt like kissing somebody.

Weakdew and all!" I d'no but Arvilly wuz too hash, but mebby my groans spoke as loud as her words; I felt considerable as she did and she knowed it. "Oh! oh!" Miss Meechim fairly squeeled the words out, "Rev. Weakdew is very thoughtful and charitable to the poor always.

"I thought it was some new-fangled religion or other, and I allus keep sich things out of Doc's reach. Mebby you'll think I'm crazy, but when you know Doc as well as I do, you'll find out mortal quick he is to take up with new notions, and it would be jist like him to give up his sittin' in church and go and be a Physical Culture, if there was any sich belief.

"Tutt an' Boggs have got their brands onto mebby two drinks, when over comes Doc Peets, lookin' deadly dignified an' severe, an' says: "'Who-all represents yere for this gent who's out for the blood of my friend, Texas Thompson?

"There, take, that to brighten up your ideas," said Fanny, and at the same time there was, the sound of a blow, which was followed by an outcry from Luce, who exclaimed, "OhohohMiss Fanny, don’t go for to whip me, ’case I haint nothin to tell; if I had I’d tell right off. I haint seed your hankercher ’tall. Mebby you’ve done drapped it somewhar."

But I thought to myself, mebby her mind wuz kinder monotonous some be, you know, made so in the first on't; I found plenty enough to interest me, and so Josiah did. There wuz a big library where you could keep company with the great minds of the past and present.

Next came Weary, then Miguel and Big Medicine and the dried little man who chewed violently upon a wooden toothpick and said he was good for eight hundred, and mebby a little mite more. They pushed their plates to the table's center to make room for their gesticulating hands and uneasy elbows while they planned ways and means.