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"Oh, but don't you see," exclaimed Laura Glyde, "that it's just the dark hopelessness of it all the wonderful tone-scheme of black on black that makes it such an artistic achievement? It reminded me when I read it of Prince Rupert's manière noire...the book is etched, not painted, yet one feels the colour-values so intensely...." "Who is he?" Mrs. Leveret whispered to her neighbour.

But I think that the proper wisdom is to will what the gods will without perhaps being certain what their will is or even if they have a will of their own. And in this matter of life and art it is not the Why that matters so much to our happiness as the How. As the Frenchman said, "Il y a toujours la maniere." Very true. Yes. There is the manner.

"Oh, but don't you see," exclaimed Laura Glyde, "that it's just the dark hopelessness of it all the wonderful tone-scheme of black on black that makes it such an artistic achievement? It reminded me so when I read it of Prince Rupert's maniere noire... the book is etched, not painted, yet one feels the colour values so intensely..." "Who is HE?" Mrs. Leveret whispered to her neighbour.

" Possible que vous ne le voyiez pas, dit Smiley, possible que vous vous entendiez en grenouilles, possible que vous ne vous y entendez point, possible que vous avez de l'experience, et possible que vous ne soyez qu'un amateur. De toute maniere, je parie quarante dollars qu'elle battra en sautant n'importe quelle grenouille du comte de Calaveras.

C'est pour me flatter, c'est sa maniere de me dire qu'il faut vivre pour longtemps! Ah, la chere folle! But she spoils me, the darling!" This daughter had become the most mysterious of all our Villerville discoveries. Our old friend was a peasant, the child of peasant farmers. She would always remain a peasant; and yet her daughter was a Parisian, and lived in a bonbonniere.

To analyse the temperament of a great artist and then to declare that his art was but a part a little part of his temperament, is a foolish proceeding. Dandyism is ever the outcome of a carefully cultivated temperament, not part of the temperament itself. That maniere d'etre, entierement composee de nuances, was not more, as the writer seems to have supposed, than attributory to Mr.

"Vid dis apologie for the maniere, I vill now say dat, helas! Monsieur Simpson ave guess but de too true. Need I say de more? Helas! am I not ready speak de too moshe? This noble spirited note I kissed a million times, and committed, no doubt, on its account, a thousand other extravagances that have now escaped my memory. Still Talbot would not return.

One is, 'La Maniere de bien penser dans les Ouvrages d'Esprit', written by Pere Bouhours; I believe you read it once in England, with Monsieur Coderc; but I think that you will do well to read it again, as I know of no book that will form your taste better.

Je vous remercie infiniment de votre lettre du 21 et je me rejouis bien de penser que nous aurons probablement votre visite ici au mois de juillet. Je vous remercie de l'intention que vous m'exprimez d'arranger vos projets de maniere a pouvoir venir en France a cette epoque. I see Mr. Gladstone has not been afraid of the fatigue you thought would be too much for him.

§ 910. «Le premier objet de mon étude fut le Mont Blanc. Il se présente ici de la maniere la plus brillante et la plus commode pour l'observateur. On l'embrasse d'un seul coup-d'oeil, depuis sa base jusqu'