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A faction of the Liberal party led by Losada himself had been accused of the deed. Whether guilty or not, it was eight years before the ambitious and scheming Losada had gained his goal. Upon this theme General Pilar's eloquence was loosed. He drew the picture of the beneficent Olivarra with a loving hand.

Losada saw nothing incongruous in this picture, and had it hung in a church in the capital. He ordered from a French sculptor a marble group including himself with Napoleon, Alexander the Great, and one or two others whom he deemed worthy of the honour. He ransacked Europe for decorations, employing policy, money and intrigue to cajole the orders he coveted from kings and rulers.

Why not a President Maloney, of Anchuria? Say the word, santita mia, and we'll make the race." "No, no, no, thou red-haired, reckless one!" sighed Pasa; "I am content" she laid her head against his arm "here." It has been indicated that disaffection followed the elevation of Losada to the presidency. This feeling continued to grow.

"Was there anything in particular?" Blythe did not reply at once. "Old Losada would make it a hot country," he remarked at length, "for the man who swiped that gripsack of treasury boodle, don't you think?" "Undoubtedly, he would," agreed Goodwin calmly, as he rose leisurely to his feet. "I'll be running over to the house now, old man. Mrs. Goodwin is alone.

President Losada many called him Dictator was a man whose genius would have made him conspicuous even among Anglo-Saxons, had not that genius been intermixed with other traits that were petty and subversive.

Half rising, he extended one arm toward the speaker, and shouted a harsh command at Captain Cruz. The leader of the "Flying Hundred" sat his horse, immovable, with folded arms, giving no sign of having heard. Losada sank back again, his dark features distinctly paling. "Who says that Olivarra is dead?" suddenly cried the speaker, his voice, old as he was, sounding like a battle trumpet.

The mobs even attacked the Casa Morena, but were driven away by the military, which remained faithful to the executive. All the night terror reigned. The greatness of Losada was shown by the fact that by noon the next day order was restored, and he was still absolute. He issued proclamations denying positively that any negotiations of any kind had been entered into with England.

A fellow feels it's something like that blamed art of yours he well, I tore that photograph up and laid the pieces on that stack of money and shoved the whole business back across the table. 'Excuse me, Mr. Losada, I said, 'but I guess I've made a mistake in the price. You get the photo for nothing. Now, Carry, you get out the pencil, and we'll do some more figuring.

Arriving at the regime of President Losada, at which point, according to precedent, he should have delivered a eulogy upon its wise conduct and the happiness of the people, General Pilar paused. Then he silently held up the bunch of keys high above his head, with his eyes closely regarding it. The ribbon with which they were bound fluttered in the breeze.

A fine drizzle of rain fell all during the forenoon. The procession entered Coralio amid a strange silence. President Losada was an elderly man, grizzly bearded, with a considerable ratio of Indian blood revealed in his cinnamon complexion. His carriage headed the procession, surrounded and guarded by Captain Cruz and his famous troop of one hundred light horse "El Ciento Huilando."