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"Bucklers brode and sweardes longe, Baudryke with baselards kene." He then accuses them with wearing gay gowns of scarlet and green colours, ornamented with cut-work, and for the long pykes upon their shoes. But so late as the year 1652 we have the following anecdote of the whimsical dress of a clergyman.

And in another yle ben folk, that han gret eres and longe, that hangen doun to here knees. And in another yle ben folk, that han hors feet; and thei ben stronge and myghty and swift renneres; for thei taken wyld bestes with rennyng, and eten hem.

Dryden's verdict on Chaucer's poetry is: "Here is God's plenty." V. His love of nature is noteworthy for that early age. Such lines as these manifest something more than a desire for rhetorical effect in speaking of nature's phenomena: "Now welcom somer, with thy sonne softe, That hast this wintres weders over-shake, And driven awey the longe nightes blake !"

She spoke again in the sweet forgotten language: "If you would rather attach the longe and leave thy hagard au bloc, Raoul, I shall say nothing; for it were a pity to spoil so fair a day's sport with an ill-trained sors. Essimer abaisser, it is possibly the best way. Ca lui donnera des reins. I was perhaps hasty with the bird. It takes time to pass a la filiere and the exercises d'escap."

FABRICIO. Yet I have told you, how sixe rankes of pikes wer occupied at ones, in the Macedonicall Falangi, albeit you ought to understande, that a maine battaile of Suizzers, if it were made of a thousande rankes, it cannot occupie more then fower, or at the most five: bicause the Pikes be sixe yardes and three quarters longe, one yarde and halfe a quarter, is occupied of the handes, wherefore to the firste ranke, there remaineth free five yardes and a half, and a halfe quarter of Pike: the seconde ranke besides that whiche is occupied with the hande, consumeth a yarde and half a quarter in the space, whiche remaineth betwene the one ranke and thother: so that there is not left of pike profitable, more then fower yardes and a halfe: to the thirde ranke, by this verie same reason, there remaineth three yardes and a quarter and a halfe: to the fowerth, twoo yardes and a quarter: to the fift one yard and halfe a quarter: the other rankes, for to hurte, be unprofitable, but thei serve to restore these firste rankes, as we have declared, and to bee a fortificacion to those v.

The passage thither and home is neither to longe nor to shorte, but easie, and to be made twise in the yere. The passage cutteth not nere the trade of any prince, nor nere any of their contries or territories, and is a safe passage, and not easie to be annoyed by prince or potentate whatsoever.

Apres avoir vivement cause a table, nous avons longuement cause au salon; et nous nous separions le soir a Trafalgar Square, apres avoir longe les trotters, stationne aux coins des rues et deux fois rebrousse chemie en nous reconduisant l'un l'autre. Il etait pres d'une heure du matin!

Tu longe sequere, et vestigia semper adora. "I have witnessed with profound regret the CONTINUANCE OF DISTRESS in the manufacturing districts of the country." Words of Queen Victoria on the reassembling of parliament.

"Nec tu divinam Aeneida tenta: Sed longe sequere et vestigia semper adora." At twenty- two years of age he came to Rome, Nero being then on the throne.