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"Jerry says he'd be happy to, to-day," she announced, "so long's as he ain't changed back into his barn clo'es. We'll be kinder company. But after this, he says, we'll begin as usual."

Colonel Long's is a typical Southern establishment: a white house, or rather three houses, all of one story, built on to each other as beehives are set in a row, all porches and galleries.

"What's the use of a man writing to you if he can't send you what he writes?" "What's the use of his sending it to you if he can have it read without that trouble?" answered the little Midshipman in a confident tone. "Is there not a telescope at Long's Peak?

"There is one comes up every day to dinner next door, and would stop there altogether if they had the room. Tiens, what's this his name is? He's from the mines " "You mean Gard the manager," scowled Tom. "That's it Monsieur Gard. Why shouldn't he " "Because I'd break his head if I got the chance, and he knows it. Comes up there to dinner, does he? How long's he been doing that?" "For a week now.

The midnight sky was in magnificent order; not a speck dimmed its azure of an intensely dark tint. The stars blazed out like fires; the Moon refused none of her secrets to the scientists who were gazing at her so intently that night from the platform on the summit of Long's Peak. But no black spot crawling over her resplendent surface rewarded their eager gaze.

Here Jim Pink yelped into honest laughter at Tump's undoing so that dust got into his nose and mouth and set him sneezing and coughing. "How long's he up for?" asked Peter, astonished and immensely relieved at this outcome of Tump's expedition against himself. Jim Pink controlled his coughing long enough to gasp: "Th-thutty days, ef he don' run off," and fell to laughing again.

Here's a chance for me to make up for the failure I've made of life. A man with a little piece of property like this and a little bank account is somebody in the community. What do I care how I get it, as long's I can hold it? What's a lot of dirty Indians to stand between me and my future? But what do you care?" "O Daddy! O Daddy! How can you talk so to me!" groaned Lydia.

It will give the town a good name. Now, that money is goin' to be spent! I've made you chairman of the whole general committee as first selectman. You'll have the principal say as to how the money is goin' to be spent. As long's it's goin' to be spent that ought to be some satisfaction to you."

"You goin' to let them wimmen cackle for the next two years, and pass it down to their grandchildren how they done us out of all the money we put in here two able-bodied business men like we be? A watch ain't no good only so long's it's runnin', and a tavern ain't, either.

But as the Gun Club wished that its telescope, as well as the Columbiad, should be set up in the States of the Union, they were obliged to be content with the Rocky Mountains, and all the necessary material was sent to the summit of Long's Peak in the territory of Missouri.