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Quelqu'un qui aura plus de temps, plus de loisir, découvrira peut-être d'où ces masses proviennentWe have here a picture of one of those valleys which branch from, or join the main valley of the Rhône.

Tell him, or any others of my countrymen, that any building you choose to put up is European, and in good taste, and they will be quite pleased enough." "You are a sinner," said Loisir; "but be quiet now." "Nay do not you find the blacks one and all ready to devour your travellers' tales your prodigious reports of European cities?

Vous savez que j'ai a great taste for it; mais il faut vous avouer une triste verite, c'est que je manque absolument de loisir pour le lire. Ne m'en envoyez plus; car je me sens peine d'avoir sous les yeux de si bonnes choses, dont je n'ai pas le temps de tue nourrir." "In the year 1817," Lady Trevelyan writes, "my parents made a tour in Scotland with your uncle.

"Elle n'a que deux ans, et fait joliment le signe de la croix, et prend elle-meme de l'eau benite; et une fois se mit a crier, sortant de la Chapelle, a cause que sa mere qui la portoit ne lui avoit donne le loisir d'en prendre. Il l'a fallu reporter en prendre."

Of others, such as the wife, daughters, and third son of Toussaint, Monsieur Papalier, and the tutors, Azua and Loisir, I knew only that they existed, without being able to learn their names or characters. The only character designed to be fully and faithfully accordant with history is that of Toussaint himself.

And here I beg to assure the reader, that whenever I give conversations they were not made À LOISIR, but were written down immediately after they occurred, with all the verbal fidelity my memory permitted. This young lady left me at the end of two months, because I refused to lend her money enough to buy a silk dress to go to a ball, saying, "Then 'tis not worth my while to stay any longer."

In these lines I believed that I discerned the very God of the universe, the God whom men worship Dans les infames jeux de leur divin loisir Le supplice de l'homme est leur premier plaisir. Pour que leur oeil feroce a l'envi s'en repaisse Des bourreaux devant eux en immolent sans cesse.