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Aloud, she said, before disappearing: "Your old room, Liosha, dear you'll find everything ready." In order to carry out my wife's orders, I had to disentangle Susan from Liosha's embrace and pack her off rueful to the nursery. But the promise to seat her at lunch between the two seafarers brought a measure of consolation. "Come into the library, Liosha," said I, throwing the door open.

"I've not been to Madagascar," said Jaffery again. Captain Maturin smiled gravely. "Why not come along with me. Mr. Chayne?" Jaffery's eyes danced and his smile broadened so that his white teeth showed beneath his moustache. "Why not?" he cried. And bringing down his hand with a clamp on Liosha's shoulder "Why not? You and I. Out of this rotten civilisation?"

I couldn't bear it!" she cried; and then, aware of Liosha's sudden presence, she started to her feet. Liosha did not move. The two women glared at each other. "What do you mean by coming in here?" cried Doria. "You had better leave us, Liosha," said Jaffery sombrely. But Liosha stood firm. The spurning of Jaffery by Doria struck a chord of the heroic that ran through her strange, wild nature.

Most Albanian young women in her position would have married a brave and handsome Englishman of incalculable wealth even if they had not Liosha's ulterior motives. And beyond question Liosha had ulterior motives. Prescott espoused her cause hotly. He convinced her that he was a power in Europe. As a Reuter correspondent he did indeed possess power.

But he hadn't the faintest idea of the fount of Liosha's motherliness. "Owing to our knockabout sort of intimacy"! Oh, the silly ass! It was not until the end of October that Doria completed her round of country-house visits and returned to the flat in St. John's Wood.

Again she had run her tactful hand over Liosha's stockyard vocabulary, erasing words and expressions that might offend Queen's Gate and substituting others that might charm; and she had done it with a touch of humour not lost on Liosha, who had retained the sense of values in which no child born and bred in Chicago can be deficient.

This sorry ending of poor Prescott's romance I never knew him, but shall always think of him as a swift and vehement spirit was told very huskily by Jaffery beneath the wistaria arbour. Tears rolled down Barbara's and Doria's cheeks. My wife's sympathetic little hand slid into Liosha's. With her other hand Liosha fondled it.

But I don't want to be taught any more. I've learned enough." "But it's just a woman companion that we want to give you, dear," said Barbara. "Her mere presence about you is a protection against well, any pretty young woman living alone is liable to chance impertinence and annoyance." Liosha's dark eyes flashed. "I'd like to see any man try to annoy me. He wouldn't try twice. You ask Mrs.

Thus it was natural for Liosha's father to find an Albanian wife in Chicago. She too was superficially Americanised. When they returned to Albania with their purely American daughter, they at first found it difficult to appear superficial Albanians. Liosha had to learn Albanian as a foreign language, her parents and herself always speaking English among themselves.

But on Saturday evening, she asked Barbara, over the telephone, for permission to bring a friend, a gentleman staying in the boarding house, the happy possessor of a car, who would motor her down. His name was Fendihook. Barbara replied that she would be delighted to see Liosha's friend, and of course came back to us and speculated as to who and what this Mr. Fendihook might be.